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Taehyung came and stood near three of them as Y/n looked at him who had his eyes over her.

Taehyung:Don't ever blame yourself for bringing me here Y/n...I deserved it on every way, it's good that you did it yourself within few days I was going to do the same-

Jin: What do you mean you were going to do the same?

Taehyung: ummm I had a plan of giving in to the police right after I will be able to caught Y/n's dad...afterall he's the one who ruined her life and he's the one who brought us here but even my stupid thinking was a part for me being brought here and I don't feel bad finding myself here.... cause I know I deserve to every end of it...every part of it for ruining my wife's and my Taemins life.

He whispered as soon he gave a gulp as tears rolled down to his cheeks. Wiping it off he looked at Taemin looking at him with a gloomy expression while holding Y/n's hand as tightly as he could. He kneeled down in front of Taemin as he held his hands near his ear.

Taehyung: I'm really sorry for being a bad dad to you Taemin...but please don't hate me...
He whispered as taemin kept on looking at him.

Taehyung: I will always love you to the depth of my heart Taemin.

He said, he lightly forwarded his hands holding on to his tiny waist. Pulling him closer to him, he hugged him as Taemin stood there until he broke down into cries. Forwarding his tiny hands Taemin hugged him back resting his head on his shoulder, making Taehyung break into cries as well.

It was sure that Taemin was traumatized by everything that Taehyung made him go through but still he held a soft spot for him, which led him into a not so good state seeing his dad going to prison.

Y/n stood there looking away from them as Jin slightly rubbed her back, to give her the comfort that she deserves.

Taehyung slowly separated the hug and wiped his own tears and cupped Taemin cheeks wiping his tears.

Taehyung: you will be happy right?? You will take care of mom when I would be gone for 6 years.

He asked lightly, rubbing his cheeks.Taemin looked at him and nodded still sobbing. Cupping his face back, he kissed him all over her face.

Holding those little hands he stood up and looked at Y/n.

Taehyung: I know I don't deserve the forgiveness but please try to forgive me...I'm sorry from the depth of the core.

He whispered as Y/n looked at him.

Taehyung: I was your husband who promised to take care of you and protect you against everything, but look at me instead of making positive I made it negative.
He whispered as a drop of tear rolled down his eyes.

Taehyung: I shouldn't say this...please wait for me...I will come back and fix everything about us....I will not be able to live without you and Taemin...I know we are declared divorced already but wait for me to come back and engulf you in my arms and protect you at every cost.

He whispered. As soon as Y/n made eye contact with him he spoke back again.

Taehyung: But if you don't accept it, I wouldn't mind if you wouldn't want to get together with me again after everything suffered...but I would love to see you happy at every point from now on.

He said as he stood in front of her and pulled her into a tight hug as he could, adding Taemin too. Taehyung tried his best to stop his cries but he couldn't until he broke down into loud cries.


Taehyung's P.O.V

I raised my head and looked at the prison I was locked in. Rotten iron rods giving a strong smell, black concrete walls, cold cemented floor with just one dim light for the source of light.

Bringing knees near my chest I rested my head on it, remembering whatever happened today.

My family got separated from me but I deserve the separation from what I made them go through. They deserved it, they deserved to be happy.

I gave a deep breath and tried to hide myself with the new pain that was discovered in myself and that was loneliness...which was brought by me.

I sat there remembering the good times of the three of us but couldn't memorize any of those because I was the one who was against it, against creating good memories but was delighted when creating bad ones.

The only thing I was reminded of was Y/n's crying face begging for me to let go, her trembling body, her scared eyes which screamed and said "stay away from me..." but at that time I was never affected by those but now remembering those brings me to a dark path.

My body slightly flinched as I heard the loud noise of metal covering. I looked up at the people that entered.

Officer: stand up...it's your turn.
He said, I slowly pushed my body up and forwarded my hands for them to handcuff it.

After they locked my hand, they dragged me harshly until I was brought to another building. As soon as I entered it I was left cold to my feet, I looked at the locked doors but could hear loud screams of people, begging, crying, screaming.

I looked down as I was harshly pushed into one of the rooms. I looked at them as they closed the doors. One of them pulled the chair and sat on it while another one came to me and held me, tying both my hands in one rope which hung to the hook which was at the top after they ordered me to open my shirt.

Officer: child abuse and domestic violence..is the reason which brought you here right?.

I nodded to the one sitting on the chair, standing up from it as she walked towards me.

Officer: I need to listen to your voice.

He screamed loudly making my eyes squint in irritation but soon my lips left a thrilling scream as the fat stick made contact with my stomach.

Officer: VOICE
He screamed again as the stick hit me back again making me groan in pain. Before anything could come I opened my lips to answer.

Taehyung: Yes, that's true.
I said still hissing in pain..

Officer: looks like it hurted you right?
He said as I looked at him.

Taehyung: It did.

After hearing it stick made contact with my body again, making me scream.

Officer: Why is it hurting.?

Taehyung: because I'm a human.

After hearing my answer about 5 times, a stick landed on my stomach making me cry at the intense pain.

Officer: you made your wife and son go through the same..looks like they weren't human to get hurt right.

He screamed back again and got one beating with a stick until the realization hit me back again. My face fell, I did the same with them, I made them go through the same pain, not the same but worse than this. The stick kept on brushing my skin as I stayed there helpless, feeling shattered from the feelings, and the realization that I was worse to her, to my wife and my son.

To be continued..

Can't Escape -2 [Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now