chapter 1.

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That is the trailer for this whole book . If for some reason you cant see it I have my yt in my bio to check it out!!  ( updated the trailer for a better one!)


All I could hear was sirens.

Where even am I .  Why can't I open my eyes .

I hear the screams of people.Why am I here where is dad?

I feel someone touch my leg. "There you are". Before I know it I scream the loudest I can . Not knowing what is happening. I open my eyes to see a smirk on the mans face.

"Who are you" I shout crying not being able to move.

"I am-"  before he finishes the sentence everything starts fading.

What is going on? I ask myself.

"Hazel wake up wake up" I feel someone shaking me . My eyes widen as I gasp for air.

"Shh it's just a dream come on let's go have a cup of water." My dad asks.

I sigh getting up from his hands.

"Dad i'm fine. You are still hurt go to bed I will go grab water right now I swear." He sighs giving me a worried look.

"Okay" he gives in and  walks back to his room as I sit down at the edge of my small bed.

"It was just a dream" I remind myself.

I always had these type of dream and  I have no idea why. I had no idea who the men in my dream was but he was terrifying.

I check my cheap clock that is closer to my bed on a chair. It reads 4 am .

I really should control myself with these nightmares. It never happend anyway I don't know why I would dream something like this most times.

I begin to get up from my tiny bed and make my way to take a shower. Might as well start the day.

I quickly grab a pair of sweats and a t- shirt and make my way to the shower.

I walk on the hard but weak floor that makes creak sounds.

Placing the clothes down I take a second to look at myself . Of course I'm a sweating mess.

I turn on the water and let it run until it is a good tempeture to get in .  I Strip down from my clothes and get in the shower.

This is gonna be another long day.

This was my first chapter hope you liked it:).
- Jaelyn.

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