chapter 15.

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Niall horan:

When Mia told us Hazel and her were going to dance we made sure not stay so far so we choose a closer spot to be near then. You know just to be safe. Not that I care. 

"Hey babe." That same annoying voice comes onto my lap. Louis groans beside me. "You have got to be kidding me." He murmured.

I roll my eyes at her. She can't get out of her head that I don't give a shit about her or anyone. I have no idea why she keeps trying. "What the fuck do you want Leslie." She chuckles. "Why someone's grumpy. Need me to fix that."Leslie says pulling down the zipper from my trousers. 

"Leslie." I whisper to her ear. "Hm." She then tries to kiss me. Fucking dumbass .
"Get the fuck off of me." I push her off. She obviously didn't expect that. "Okay geez." Leslie gets and leaves.

Thank god. She just keeps getting annoying each time I see her. I litterally fucked her mum. I have no idea why she still tryna get on my dick.

My thoughts were paused when I looked at a familar blond haired girl  dancing alone. Where the fuck did Mia go. I scan my eyes looking for her. I turn back to see where Hazel is.
But when I turn I see her dancing on some guy his hands trying to go up her skirt. Clearly not knowing.

Fucking perv.

Before I know it I got up from my seat grabbing his shirt and push him to the floor. I punch him . Again. Again. And again. And kept puching him I couldn't see nothing but red. I hear loud gasps.
"Niall!" I hear the girl scream but I decide not to listen .

This fucking guy thinks he can just go up to girls like that and touching them without their consent. Especially Hazel she is way to damn innocent. There is no fucking way this fucking perv will try to touch her. Hell no. Not Hazel. No one will-.

I feel myself getting pulled up. But I didn't care that guy isn't getting away with this. I tried to get out of whoever's hands had me. "Let me fucking go."
I turn around but when I see Mia hugging Hazel as she was. What looks like she was crying. I quickly stop resisting.

"Hazel are you okay." I try to soften my voice. She looks at me in fear wiping her tears away. I see Mia telling her something but don't care all I wanna know if she's okay.

"Can we go outside." I quickly nod. The guys letting me go. We both walk in silent outside. Once we were on the sidewalk I spoke. "Look if I made you scared I am so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to I just saw how he looked and then how he grabbed you-." She stops me.

"Niall. I know and it's fine thank you." I stare at her confused. "You're not mad?" She nods no. "Why?" She chuckles light you can almost not hear it. "I know what you were trying to do and it means so much. Really thank you. " she smiles up at me .

Thank god. I thought I was about to l-. Wait what the fuck is wrong with me. I did not just think of her like that. I don't give a shit for her what the fuck.

"You okay." She gives me a worried look.

I blink. "Yeah. Yeah. I uh. I gotta go." She nods with a smile. "Are you getting a ride? I can tell Mia we could go." I dismiss her with my hand. "Nah I will be fine." I say in a harsh tone. After that I turn walking away from her. I hear a small "okay" leave her lips as I leave.

There is something about her that is having me feel this weird feeling and I don't like it. But fuck that feeling I gotta stick to my role.

Well shit-. What does niall mean role?  And where did Mia go?

I realised I didn't put a photo for how I picture Mia. So who do you picture her as?

Favorite Crime {N.H}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon