chapter 32.

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"Let me explain."

Please do.

I stay quiet sobbing trying to calm myself. We just killed someone.

Well he did but i caused it. I sit on my knees silently praying this is just a dream and none of it is real. I sit on the cold floor next to belly who was still sleeping not sure of what just happened.

I stay watching the floor sobbing.

Niall horan

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I have no idea why the fuck i did that. I mean i saved her..

Hell why do i even care if i saved her i don't give 2 fucks about her. I'm just doing this shit for her dad.

But i should have been smarter. That fucker tried to show up and take her out like her dad said he would. He wanted to keep her to himself.

He had to die showing his face emotions as i stabbed him with the wooden stick. He could have turned around. He knew if the secret goes out and she knew, then we could all be fucked.

That selfish fuck.

I watch her sit down on her knees sobbing from what just happened.

What she watched wasn't even that bad. I could have done it slowly taking my time breaking each bone one by one.

Or just taking his ribs out. Its a mess but no big deal.

I just did the classic old way. Which was with a wooden stick. Boring i know but fun for some reason.

"Love please okay just please don't get scared for what i'm about to say." She sniffles with a hicup looking up to me. "I can't promise you anything. Just tell me why this happened please." Her eyes now glossy from her tears. Nose and eyes now red from crying.

God i feel bad.

What the fuck. No i don't feel bad. Why does my mind do that.

"Okay." I begin. She stares at me waiting for me to explain.

Fuck why does she have to look at me like that.

"Okay?" She says in a question tone. Right i almost forgot i was talking.

I cough. Clearing my throat before i speak. "There's this thing that your dad has. Uhm." I swallow not wanting to actually tell her.

"So what niall? What is it?" She questions. "These men aren't any good for any of us. They want you and have been wanting you." She has a face of confusion.

"Your father has been hiding you from them this whole time hazel." Her face falls.

She puts a finger up. "Wait. No. What?" I simply nod not wanting to tell her everything else.

"Let's go somewhere else my love. I have a lot of explaining to do." She stares at me up and down before she desides to get up.

"You better start talking then mister wester." She air quotes
Of course she heard that. Shit.

Here goes nothing. I sigh.

I look at her in the eyes
"Okay fine." She rolls her eyes as i let a dramatic sigh.

"But can we please just go somewhere else love. It isn't safe here." She stares at me for a moment. She than gives up and says "fine but you better explain. This conversation isn't over."

I smile at those words that i wanted to here and glad she said them.

She gets up waiting for me to get up too.

I get up walking towards the window. "What are you doing?" She asks. I have my back turned not seeing her expression but knowing the confused look she has on. I don't turn to look at her except i open the window up to go out.

"Where i said i would take you. Where else love?" From there i go out the window which is not that far down to fall.

Well i mean it's from a second story window but the fall actually won't hurt.

I shout "are you coming or not millers." I chuckle while i fall on the bright green grass.

Before i know it i see her head peak out.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I can see the look on her face saying she's afraid.

"If it wasn't i don't think i'd let you go. C'mere i will catch you if you do fall love." I see as she sighs while it sounds like praying too.

She gets her last breath and lets herself fall.


I feel as the wind hits my skin. It feels as if this were going in slow motion. The wind hits my skin so fresh and cool while my body feels like it isn't mine. As if i'm just free.

Then i hit the ground which really wasn't the ground. Or at least didn't even feel like it.

I open my eyes hearing myself breath. First thing i see is him.

He was smiling at me with an adored look. Of course i wasn't as dumb as he thought i am so i know that look is just part of his act.

"Told you i would catch you." I look at his eyes not choosing which eye to look at. I decide to just get down from his arm and continue to walk not sure where we are going but walking anyway while he follows.

"Not even a thank you love okay." His voice sounds deep but yet soft.

Before i know it. I go through some bushes and open to see sand and the sound of waves swaying.

This place looks familar but i can't seem to put my finger on why it is.

He walks in front of me leading. But then just sits down. So i sit down with him as we watch the waves.

It stays silent for a while before i decide to speak. "What are we doing niall." I stay looking straight.

"Talking i assume?" He replies.

"No i mean us. This." I motion my arms to us. "You are lying to me and i know it but.. i can't seem to get away from you." He sighs. "Hazel trust me i wish i could tell you everything."

I look at him while he still looks straight ahead. "Then do it niall. Tell me everything i need to know please."

I notice his eyes soften for a second before they go back to showing no emotion. "It's for your own safty love." My shoulders slump in defeat.

"Let's make a deal eh?" I turn to look at him again. His eyes meet mine. I watch him waiting for him to keep going.

"What kind of deal?" I question. "Let's actually get to know eachother. You can't stay away from me and i can't either so might as well make it work as friends."

Hearing that last part did hurt bit but he does have a point. Maybe in that way we can even get to know eachother as much that i could see what he actually wants from me.

I look back to his eyes. He has a glint in his eyes waiting for me to answer.

I smile."Deal."

A/n:   (read if you like you dont need to)
Yeah ik its been a whole month since ive updated. So much has happend. If you follow me then you probably saw. So basically someone stole my phone at a quince while i was talking to the cops about stuff that happend (another story) then i got it back the next week. *Thankfully* well yeah i also got into a relationship very healthy and im happy :) so im focusing on many things rn but i have many time now for the updates so their will be more soon!!  On dec 2 and dec 9 i will be busy so no update on those days. On the 2nd is for a play im helping with many things and also doing makeup lol than on the 9th is for band which is in hometown so not that bad:)).

If you read all that ily lol <3

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