chapter 33.

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Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted

Was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words

To your old favorite song


Here i am sitting in my room once again. We left off as friends since that time at the beach.

We never spoke about what exactly happend and i am kinda glad we didn't. I really didn't wanna discuss any of that just yet. I am going to find out what he wants from me. Or why i can't stay away from him.

I feel a vibrate which brings me back to reality. I grab my phone from the chair i have laying there.

It's a text from mia.

"Hey wanna go to a small party with some friends?"

I think about it for a moment but then just reply with my usual. "Sure".

"Great i will pick you up later be ready and cute!" I smile at that last part.

I get up to grab a simple set of black jeans with a white tanktop and some converse to go with. Then head to the shower.


While i am drying my hair i listen to my playlist. Having a full on concert as people do.

I get out and go to my room almost having a literal panic attack as i see mia sitting waiting on my bed.

"Why hello there you beautiful bitch." She grins. "Hey? Were you trying to kill me." I say while drying my hair with a towel. She chuckles.

"Yeah sorry about that i figured i didn't tell you a time so i just showed up." Mia shrugs.

I lightly chuckle. I had put my clothes on in the restroom. All though i had to jump around trying to put the jeans. Wet legs and jeans don't go well together.

"She knows hazel"

I flinch confused turning around to see mia confortable on my bed on her phones. She stares up feeling my stare ."everything okay hazey." she says in a worried voice. I sigh.

"Yeah sorry i thought you said something." She nods looking back at her phone typing.

I look to my mirror. I put a light layer of mascara and some lipgloss.

I look towards her grabbing my shoes.

"Okay-" i push my foot into the shoe now putting the other. I quickly put my laces tied.

I stand up "i'm ready." She smiles.

She then stand up. "Beat you to the door." Then runs off.

"Are you kidding me!" I run trying to catch up to her to which she only ran pass the door.


The party smells like drunk people and weed from the distance. Red cups everywhere placed on tables. People making out.

Mia left to the bathroom which she told me to just stay put and talk to people. I am socially awkward so there is no way you would see me talking first to someone.

I love girls who can confidently talk. Their walks everything about them are so confident. Normally they would think i was judging them because i would stare. In reality i would always admire how their makeup look so great. Always wondering how they would look beautiful. With or without makeup a girl would look amazing. Or the heels they could pull off without trying. For example. The 4 inch heels that looks like a small stick holding up your weight.

The women i've seen walked them like they were made for it. Women always made me proud to be one. They really do not need a guy in order to have all they ever wanted. They are extremely independent when it comes to many things.

Guys don't understand us. They probably never will. It's like a pizza box. The box is a square but inside its a circle , then you get the pizza which is a triangle. Once they understand the meaning of the pizza box then they will understand girls. The boys won't understand us. The men can sometimes..

"What you thinking about there love." I stop and come back to reality. the familar voice coming from the side of me. I turn to see the blue eyes i wasn't expecting to see today.

"Niall. What are you doing here." He pouts looking down to me. "Don't wanna see me now or what love?"

I mentally roll my eyes. "No i just didn't expect you here." He leaves a confused expression. "It's a party baby i'm always around."

"Right got that." I nod turning around to look for mia.

"Hey wait hazel-" he grabs my wrist as i was turning around. I turn to him. "What?" He looks around. His eyes looking red probably on some type of drug.

"Can we talk."  He questions which doesn't sound like a question at all.

"We're talking." I reply.

"Alone." I sigh.

I know we ended as friends and i really do want to know what he wants from me but as right now i need to find mia seeing as she dissapeared.

"I don't know niall."

"Please." He says looking into my eyes. I sigh once again deciding in my head what to do.

"Fine." He casually smirks. We walk to a room close by making sure not to bump into a room with people in it. Doing..well things.

I shut the door as we got inside one that was finally lonely. The music dies down a bit as we are inside.

He walks into the room a bottle of some sort of liquor in his hand. He sits on the bed. I hug my stomach with my arms.

"What did you need to talk about." As soon as i said i bit my lip anxious.

"Why are you trying to stay away from me hazel." I blink at him in confusion.

"Sorry?" I asked wondering if i heard him right. "I thought we wanted to be friends. At the looks of that it seems as if you don't want to be near me." He replies.

"Niall i have no idea what your talking about-"

"Your playing games princess and i don't think your gonna like how it turn out in the end."

I crease my eyebrows. "Niall you're drunk and have no idea what your even saying. First of all if anyone is playing games here it's you not me."

It went silent. Then he started laughing which made me more intiminated by him. His head turns my way staying silent for a few seconds.

"You remind me so much of someone love." Now his voice sounds soft.

He is so confusing.

I scoff." Niall seriously what the hell is up? First your saying i was staying away from you but the last time we spoke was 2 days ago. " his eyes burn into me.

"Next you say i'm playing some type of "game" that i will not like." I air quote.

"Now you are saying i remind you of someone. Are you okay?" I question. He cheekly grins while tapping on the bed next to him. Signaling me to sit.

I refused to at first but go anyways.  I sit down not bothering to look at him.

"Do you wanna play a game princess?"
He whispers into my ear.


ahhh. It took me literally a month ik lol. But heres the update. Yalll my concert is tmr for mf band so wish luck on that.

Anyways what kind of games do you think niall is talking about?
Next chapter nialls pov? Or hazel?

Also love the new cover? Because i do;).
*kisses* -j

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