chapter 20.

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* you will need the song for later;)*

Today was honestly the best day. I have never laughed so hard in a day like I did when I was with Niall.

I actually felt like. Myself?

It was a weird feeling. I never felt more free.

When we finally had got off the ground we were walking around everywhere. Talking about random things. When I finally asked about his story. His reply was. "I come with no backstory." Shrugging. I grin. "Everyone does. Just cause you're mister mystery guy doesn't mean you don't have a back story." All his replys were either. "Nope none." Or. "Lets talk about you."

We just sat there talking about other things. I wanted to stay happy and not talk about life instead.

Now we were on the road to our way back to my house before Mia arrives for her car. "You like Billy Joel?" Nialls voice inturupts my thoughts.

I nod. "Yeah of course. How'd you know." He keeps his eyes on the road but points to my shirt. I realise I was wearing that shirt. "Oh." He nods. "Yeah. Wanna hear his music I am a pretty damn good singer if you ask me." I chuckle but nod.

I hear him play a familar song from him. I turn to him with a smile. "You like this song?"  He nods in obvious. "Who doesn't."

Then the lyrics start to play. "Uptown girl shes been living in her uptown world."  I hear Niall start singing to it while I hum.

"I bet she never had a backstreet guy. I bet her mama never told her why."

"C'mon. Sing with me. It isn't fun to be the only one singing." After he said that I start to sing along. "I'm gonna try for an uptown girl. " I sing.

"Shes been living in her white bread world." He began singing.  We stop at a red light and sang next lyric. "As long as anyone with hot blood can. And now shes looking for a downtown man. That's what I am." A guy from beside us looked at us as if we were crazy but we just kept singing like we own it.

I was genuinely smiling. The lyrics kept playing as we sang. I've never felt more free. We were acting as if we were at a party singing our asses off. And I loved it.

We even sang the 'oooo' too. This song was always my favorite from Billy. He begins to drive as soon as the light turns green again. I unbuckle my seatbelt. He turned to me still singing. "What are you doing." He says between the lyrics. I shrug with a grin. "Having fun." I get up and step on the seat. I see the window on top of us and open it.

"Uptown girl. Yeah shes living in her uptown wooorld!" I shout as he drives enjoying the air. I could hear his chuckle from here. I continue to sing until it slowed down.

As the song slowly ends I get back into my seat with a laugh. "Well that was surely fun." He laughs. We both sigh as we stop to my house.

As I was about to say goodbye. He asks. "What do you think about vampires." I look at him with my brows creased. "Huh?" He turn to me.

"Like in the movies and stuff. What's your opinon on them." I think. After a small moment of silence I finally answer.

"Well I have seen twilight before. But I don't know I feel like they could be litterally anyone and don't shine when they are in the sun. I mean you never know who could be one. I do find them intresting." he looks at me listening.

He nods. "True. It could be me. Or it could even be you." I laugh at what he said. "I wouldn't be that surprise if you were one. You are already mister mystery man." He laughs.

As our laughs slow down. "Hazel?" I turn to him watching as he looks at my eyes then gazes down to my lips. I raise my brow.

"I'm so sorry for this." I stare at him confused but his lips smashes into mine.

.... oop. Sorry for the cliff hanger again but its worth it I swear!! Lol.

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