chapter 3.

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So today is the party . so excited.

Who am I kidding I can't even convince myself that I am excited.

Like what if mia dresses me up to much. Or what if she lends me an expensive dress and someone spills a drink on me . Or I spill a drink on myself. I wouldn't be able to pay it back.

I sigh knowing none of these would happend but if I keep overthinking it could.

"You okay there." A guy with brown eyes asks as I am pouring his coffee and place his mug down to the small little table .

"Um yeah yeah sorry just loss in the thought" I smile . Silently cursing at myself for not doing my job.

He smiles assuring me it was okay. "Do you want to talk about it". The guy questions.

I'm begining to think he wasn't talking to me .

"Pardon". Not knowing if I heard him right.  "I said do you want to talk about it". He softly replies.

"Well um if that's fine with you" he simply nods.

I begin to tell him how my bestfriend basically bribed me into going to a party but I don't want to go because she wants me to meet someone there which I also do not want. I tell him how I was overthinking everything.

He stays silent listening to me. Then speaks up. "Oh so you aren't the party type right" I nod no.

I mean it is pretty damn clear I'm not .

He smiles. "Who is your friend". I stay confused.

He must have noticed my look because he quickly says . " I'm going to a party tonight to I was just wondering if it's the same one." He probably does know her everyone does.

I am known for her. When someone sees me they say ' hey you are mia's friend right' .

"Mia rose." his eyes light up. "Oh her. Yeah I know where you are going I am actually going with a few friends of mine. They are all shitfaces though so if I introduce you to them don't be suprise if they don't reply".

"You are hazel. Am I right." Oh so he does know me.

Probably one of mia's friends.

"Read your tab " he points to my name tag.

Oh. I glace down at the tab then back to him.

"Hey but don't be worried it's nothing bad just have fun. If you need anything or help with getting some drinks you let me know yeah?"he shrugs. I nod as he gets up with a smile on his face.

"Okay well see ya at the party. It's liam by the way". With that he goes.

Okay maybe this party won't be so bad afterall.

Oooo party??

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