chapter 27.

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I stayed sat on the couch still watching the show.

Honestly how long has it been since this was out. It feels as if it were yesterday.

I go to grab my phone on the small table typing in 'how long since bubble guppies first episode'.

Searches came in. I tap on a website saying its been exactly January 24th 2011 was the first premiere for the first season.

Wow thats... been uhm. Forever.

I hear scratching with a whimper coming from a room behind me.

Oh. Shit. okay.

Then I hear a loud bark. Making me jump from my seat.

He didn't mention a dog. I slowly go to the door waiting for it to happen again. The sound of the door scratching continues.

The door starts to dent on how hard the dog is hitting it. The dog is barging into the door since they noticed I was here.

Then suddenly a loud noise making me get back.

The door broke.

And now he is watching me through the now cracked door with a look like smile.

I'm so fucked.

Niall horan

"Oh for fuck sakes liam do I really have too?" I basically groan while liam smiles wide with a nod.

He has been asking me all week to do this dumb shit. But I'm doing it because of his birthday of course.

He didn't want to celebrate his birthday today. He prefers not having one thats also the reason we. Well Mia brought him out to have some drinks.

He said only if all of us. Sang him a song wearing a short skirt with no shirt. Louis agreed before me, harry or zayn could say anything. So now we have to sing and dance.

"Yes you have to. Louis already agreed now get in there." He pushes me. "I will be waiting." He walks out with a wink. We all groan but louis.

I swear if I didn't love his annoying ass I would kill him by now.

I met louis while I wasn't. Well doing good.

We met behind a liquor store. Things were not going great at home. Which was the usual.

I bump into him that day. "What the fuck-". I look up seeing a guy who looks my age maybe even a year older.

He looks at me with tired blue eyes. "My bad mate." I can see it in his eyes the guy wasn't having a good day. I wait there for a while before saying. "Wanna sit?" I question before I regret it. He looks up immediately. Stunned I asked. Before he responds I sit down on the floor and tap the ground. Signaling him to sit. Once he sat down we look foward. I give him my bottle that was still full with alcohol. "The name is niall." I see from the edge of my eye that he takes a sip. "Louis" he responds.

"See you've had a tough day eh?" He doesn't respond. "Well then I guess that makes us twins." I turn to look at him. "I'm never usually like this i'm sorry. I'm usually happy." I can almost hear the sadness in his voice while he keeps trying to hide.

"Don't apologize we all had those days. What's up?" He looks at me. Trying not to look down. Thinking for a moment before saying.  "My dad. He just doesn't think i'm 'man enough' whatever that means." I frown at the words.

"He doesn't think your 'man enough'? Why?" He nods. "I like men. He just doesn't want me to. He thinks i'm just confused since i'm 19."

I nod disagreeing what the dad thinks. "Lad. You love who ever the fuck you want. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Fuck what they think. You are who you are and nobody can change that." He looks at me with sad eyes. And hugs me.

Ever since that day louis was this confident and amazing human being that literally doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.

We all turn to look at him. He looks at us. Offended. "What bitches. Like what you see?" I open my mouth to answer. He replies. "Don't answer that I know i'm cute. But you heard the man lets go."

I roll my eyes.

This will sure be fun.

Erm yeah i didnt update my bad!
Besties so much tea goes on in my school like a lot. And im conviced i had my wattpad moment.

Hope you enjoyed lol. Next chapter will be quicker than this update.

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