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"She's right. You're a bitch "

"Woahh, first words huh? " I sarcastically chuckled with a slight bit of genuine surprise cause her voice was unexpectedly so soft and low...

" You are so rude. That's exactly why everyone is leaving you " she mumbled the last part that was almost inaudible for me but I still manage to hear it.

Everyone? Leaving me?

What a great joke.

I forced out a laugh.

"I say, you should just shut your mouth like you always do and mind your own stupid business " I snapped right after my smile faded down.

"It's true. No one is staying because of your nasty personality " for some reason, she sounded so concerned while saying that but in my point of view, she sounded like she was pitying me.

Who cares if no one's staying?! I didn't even tell them to enter my life in the first place!

"Who said I needed someone? You don't know me so stop fucking with my life " in just a blink of an eye, I was fuming mad that my whole face turned red along with my hands closing into a tight fist.

One more word, I won't hesitate to throw arms at this person.

"Hm, rude. Stop it and be nice to everyone" she clicked her tongue and threw me a smile that caught me off guard.


I swear I was ready to punch her but her smile stopped me.

"I'm going. Thanks for making those people go away " still with the same smile, she thanked me, referring to her minions that I sent away a few moments ago.

And then when I blinked again, she was already walking away from me.

And I was just staring at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

Who... is she?

Right after she disappeared from my sight, I let out a sigh and leaned on the railings, just staring into the distance.

What just happened? Did I just let a stupid mute girl tell me what to do?

That is so stupid!

Everyone is leaving me? Huh, what a great joke.

Why does she think I beat everyone up? To befriend them? What a dumb bitch.

Be nice to everyone my ass! I swear I almost punched her if she didn't smile at me like that!

I don't even know why I'm affected by that!


I'm gonna have to make her pay for doing this to me.

I'm gonna make her understand why everyone else is staying away from me.

That dumbfuck is gonna be a lump of dead meat by the end of this day, I swear.

I snapped out of my thoughts after a second and saw an annoying woman in front of me with an annoying smile.

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