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❝ I love you, you said... ❞

❝ If you did... ❞

❝ Then why am I left alone now? ❞


" Ah, all that reading and researching drained my energy. I'm so tired~ " A loud and long sigh escaped Sana's lips showing just how exhausted she is at the moment. Walking with her shoulders slouched she released another tired groan after speaking. 

After finishing their tasks that they did in a library, Sana and Dahyun headed to a nearby mall to grab their lunch and spend the rest of the day in there to relax after a whole week of stress during school days.

" At least, we got the assignment done! " Cheerfully, Dahyun exclaimed with a happy and a big smiley face as she looked back to her friend right beside her. 

" I swear, if Mr. Bang gives us another failing grade this year, I'm gonna kick his ass " In annoyance, Sana rolled her eyes as she referred to a teacher who kept on giving them low grades despite them doing good in class. { We all have that one teacher- } 

" Let's do it together then! Anyway, where do you wanna eat? " A chuckle was heard as Dahyun found her unnie's statement quite funny. 

" I'm craving... Probably some stir fried glass noodles " Sana mumbled still with her eyes half closed which is kind of too much just to show how exhausted she is. 

" Oh, sounds good! Come on then! I'm hungry~ ! " Enthusiastically, Dahyun held onto the older's hand and dragged her to a certain restaurant inside the mall where they are currently at to get the said meal that they both wanted.

In just a short span of time, the two arrived at the said restaurant and took their seats in silence. Right after that, a worker stepped to them and took their orders saying; 

" Hi, welcome. What can I do for the both of you? " It was an old lady, probably in her late 70's but she still seemed strong. With her smile as sweet as honey, she asked. 

" Hi, can we have two stir fried glass noodles? " Dahyun asked with the same friendly tone as the grandma. 

" Yes, of course, my dear. That's a great choice. Anything else? " 

" Do you want anything else, unnie? " Dahyun looked beside her and asked Sana. 

" uh... you look familiar to me... may I ask your name? " in wonder, Sana couldn't help but ask. A little bit weird and creepy but Sana couldn't contain herself. Dahyun could only look at Sana in confusion as the grandma only smiled at the two of them.

" Hyun Kyung-chul " the old woman smiled and Sana only nodded, the wonder inside her head still remaining unsolved but she decided to keep silence this time. 

' Kyung-chul, a woman having a masculine name? That's pretty weird ' Sana spoke inside her head. 

" I have a pretty weird name, don't I? " The grandma that now had just revealed her name as Kyung-chul chuckled.

As if she read Sana's mind, she knew just what the girl was thinking because that's what everybody thinks when they find out that her name is Kyung-chul.

" N-No, it's not weird... It's just new... and unusual " Dahyun mumbled. 

" Well, back in our days a woman won't know the gender of the child until they're born so my mother didn't know if she was gonna give me a feminine or a masculine name. " With both their jaws down on the ground, Sana and Dahyun nodded in amazement.

A grandma's story will never get old. It never fails to amaze them. Whether it's their own grandparents or not, their stories will always entertain them. It's always fun, getting to know how life was back then. 

" My mother died while birthing me so she didn't know if she had a daughter or a son. But, as she was carrying me in her belly for months, she can't stop calling me little Kyung-chul for some reason. " Kyung-chul chuckled as she was speaking.

" So when she died and didn't have a chance to name me according to my gender, my relatives just named me Kyung-chul in honor of her. Since, she already got used to calling me Kyung-chul, they decided to keep that name " with a smile, still, Kyung-chul finished her story as the two could only blink at her in amazement. 

However, despite that amazement Sana feels, something in her was bothered. Specially, when Tzuyu all of the sudden showed up carrying a whole load of groceries and supplies, followed by Jeongyeon carrying also the same thing. 

and they both went to Kyung-chul and hugged her as greetings. 


Son Chaeyoung's Point of View

" Take care and don't die during the weekends! "

She said that so casually as if I didn't just confess to her. I mean, I supposedly just confessed to her. How is she acting so normally?

Why isn't she mad at me? Why won't she avoid me? How is she okay with me having a 'crush' on her? Why isn't she bothered?

" What I'll do about it? Nothing. I don't have to do anything "

Why is her answer like that? I don't understand. I don't even mean it when I said I like her. I didn't even mean it, yet I don't understand her at all.

I only meant it as a joke but why? How is she keeping her sanity? It's scaring me. Her silence is killing me.

That smiling face, those dimples, everything about her is scaring me. What if she doesn't do that anymore after she finds out what I really did?

What if she just smiles at me but then she really hates me? I can't understand her.

If she finds out what I really did, she'll hate me. I'm not even assuming things at this point. For sure, she'll hate me. And I hate me too for that.

I did it without even thinking twice. Now, I lost what I came here for and I have a big chance of losing Tzuyu too.

Ah, I am such an idiot! What was I thinking!?

Would Tzuyu hate me when she finds out how I ruined everything for her? How will she react when she finds out that I betrayed her in exchange for money?

Will she hate me cause I lied?

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