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"Have you heard the news? I didn't expect that at all!" murmurs were everywhere ever since lunch has ended.

"Wait, it's for real?! I thought it was fake?" Gasped a student.

" How can it be fake?! They freaking kissed!"


"Jeongyeon and Jihyo, stupid!"

"No way! That's fake!"

"No, it's definitely not fake!" Responded the other.

While everyone else was having fun doing their little chitchats about the said rumor, it was, of course, not very entertaining for Y/N.

'Who said she could be happy?' there were no words that escaped her lips, but on the inside, she had full murderous intent against the said woman.

"Y/N, have you heard?" It was yet another whisper from the seat in front of the latter.

"Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch" she immediately shut him off. Seungmin only frowned as he watched Y/N walk away from her spot to somewhere private.

"Who said she could be happy?" Y/N mumbled to herself once again, as her fists clenched against itself while she walks away.

"Who gave her the permission to? Who the fuck said she could be happy? Why—

"She doesn't deserve to be happy. She... SHE SHOULDN'T BE HAPPY! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!"


9 months earlier.

Jeongyeon sighed as she walked out of her best friend's house. She really thought she stood a chance. She really thought her best friend already has moved on but, guess not. Explains why now she's the one with a broken heart. She even waited for a few months before confessing her feelings, thinking that it would be enough for her to move on, but again, I guess not. 

Having nowhere to go, Jeongyeon headed to the small playground in the middle of the town. Despite it being in the middle of the whole town, it was very lonely. No children were playing in there, no parent was watching their kids only because it was too cold for them to be outside. 

The playground was indeed very lonely, just like Jeongyeon was,  at that very moment. 

As she was walking, she continued thinking to herself, 'what's gone wrong?'. She never even expected that being rejected would be this painful. She never even thought to herself that she would be turned down just like that. 

"Sorry, Jeong. I'm still not over her," she admitted. 

Jeongyeon ran her hand over her hair in distress. 

With a sigh, Jeongyeon sat on the yellow, worn-out, swing in this empty playground. It's been here for years, it's also exposed to many people, yet this place is still lonely.

'Like me' Jeongyeon thought to herself as she slowly starts to push herself using her feet to make the swing move.

The skies are cloudy, no one is outside cause they're expecting it to rain. Not even cars passing by were heard. It was just pure silence, in addition to the sound of the swing moving back and forth. 

Not until another sigh was heard. 

Followed the sound of the other swing moving back and forth — then back again. Jeongyeon looked up, only to see another woman of her age, also looking down at her feet. 

"Are you... okay?" the taller started. 

At first, the woman was startled, surprised that someone would even talk to her despite her broken image. The woman had thick, disheveled hair. She also had wounds, bruises, covering up her tanned skin. The initial thought anyone would've had upon seeing her was to run away. Thinking that she could be a dangerous person with highly contagious skin disease, or that she could be a crazy person just roaming around, — no one dared to interact with her. 

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon repeated. 

"No, I'm not." the other honestly answered.

Jeongyeon released a small chuckle, "Me too," 

" Why? What's your reason? " the one with the big eyes answered.

"Nothing really that big of a deal," Jeongyeon hesitated to open up to a stranger. 

"I just got kicked out of the house." The other started. "I'm sorry to hear that," Jeongyeon sighed as she listened intently to the woman's next words. 

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Besides, it's actually a good thing. My family has been treating me really badly so it's a relief that they finally learned to let me go." the girl smiled and Jeongyeon found it adorable.

Her big eyes and her cute gummy smile. It was something on her face that the taller admired so badly.

In these times, she still managed to smile like that. How strong of her.

" That's good for you, I guess " Jeongyeon unconsciously smiled to herself after seeing that girl smile.

"How about you? Mind telling me more about your heartbreak?" 

"Hm, I lost two important people today. One hated me for betraying her and the other rejected me." the taller shortly explained. 

"Tell me more about it, I'll be listening." 

"Well, I have this person that I like..." 

"...and now, I lost both of them." Jeongyeon ended her story with yet, another sigh. "All because of my stupidity," she added. 

To her surprise, a pair of arms was already wrapped around her.

" Starting today, I'll be here for you... So that you won't have to be alone anymore " the smaller one whispered and Jeongyeon teared up.

After hearing all that, including all the bad things that she did just to ruin the two, she thought that the girl would also hate her. Telling her that what she did was wrong, but here they are, hugging each other when they barely even knew each other.

"I'm Jihyo, "

"I'm Jeongyeon," 

From that day on, a beautiful, new friendship has blossomed. Most of the time, since school hasn't started yet, they would meet and spend the rest of their days together. They would share their stories and heartbreaks with each other, eventually getting to know one another more as days go by. Eventually, that friendship turned into a romantic relationship — as it couldn't be helped. 

But of course, it wasn't just all rainbows and butterflies. Because of school, Jeongyeon had to consider the fact that Y/N exists. That one person that always hated her. She knew Y/N wouldn't let her live in peace, — especially, with someone that makes her happy.

So she decided to put up an act. 

Jeongyeon knew how badly Y/N would want to ruin them so she decided to just do the work and hurt Jihyo herself. That way, she could somehow protect the latter. Meaning, Y/N would have no reason to interfere with Jihyo's life, Y/N wouldn't have any reason to harm Jihyo, —

Because Jeongyeon is already doing it herself. 

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