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" So you are a student? " seemingly tracing the sidewalks of this same street, Jinyoung asked, still with the same friendly smile he was bearing the first time he and Mina first caught a glance at each other which was just a few moments ago.

" Yeah, I'm almost graduating. " Mina kept her eyes down at her feet though she was speaking ever so confidently as if she had known this guy for years. Even the fact that she is talking to him is a big surprise, I mean, who would've known that someone can gain someone else's trust that easily? Or did he?

" I graduated two years ago. Wait, where do you study again? " before he even started to make things about his own life, Jinyoung caught himself and asked.

" Ah, just at the school nearby. " Mina shared in hesitation as Jinyoung only laughed at her presumably because he found her adorable.

" Ah! The one with JYP as the owner? I studied there too! " Excitement took over him as he subconsciously giggled out loud and almost even crossed the street when there was an ambulance rushing to go save someone's life.

Mina, who had her eyes glued down to her feet all this time almost got hit if not only Jinyoung was fast enough to pull her back.

" What the- " he cut himself off. I mean, he can't really blame the ambulance driver for he is only doing his job that just so happened to need to be fast to save people in time.

" Are you okay, Mina-ssi? " he questioned but Mina only kept her silence and looked down at her feet for as long as she possibly can.

" Mina-ssi? " he called out once again, noticing the absence of the woman's reply. Still nothing. Mina was still silent.

Genuinely worrying at this point, he tried to put his fingers right under Mina's face down to her chin to lift her face but had was when the penguin-looking girl decided that she's had enough of this shit and picked something up from the ground while she was mumbling something under her breath.

That's when she suddenly left Jinyoung alone, standing there in confusion.

But the thing is, she was in a damn hurry that she herself was even confused why. As she left in a rush, she even forgot the fact that Jinyoung's jacket was still wrapped around her shoulders. Or that she even was with Jinyoung, generally.

What is it that she's picked up? How significant it is that it made her run for god's sake? More importantly, whose item is it?

The wind chimes hanging from the door frame rang as Momo slowly stepped inside the same convenience store where Y/N works to buy something but at the same time to check up on the same girl.

Slowly, she looked around only to see the counter empty, meaning, Y/N's either in the lavatory or she's not around. Either way, Momo shook her head and decided to head inside to get whatever it is that she needs to buy. She walked around every aisle, looking for the things she need while mumbling a few words under her breath.

Suddenly, the wind chimes hanging from the door frame softly rang once again. In confusion, Momo took a peek and saw an old man walking in with his brows furrowed, looking like he's ready to murder someone so she hid.

Yet again, another person from the bathroom walked out revealing herself to the man that also seemed to piss him off even more than he already is. Momo could also even swear that she wasn't there before.

" Good evening, sir " it was seven in the evening and the same woman who walked out of the bathroom looked tired.

" Where the hell is Y/N? " he sternly asked.

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