Thirty One.

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Who would've thought they would end up this way? When yesterday, they could've sworn they would never let anything get in between them - be it death or anything else.

But then, like a bitch came their destiny - they ended up throwing daggers at each other every time they'd run past by one. Worse, they'd hurt each other both ways; physically and mentally.

They became each other's worst enemy, and no one even knows why.

Now, as they hold each other tight in their arms, they start to wonder why and what even was their efforts to ruin one another was for.

Jeongyeon closed her eyes, feeling the weight of Y/N lay on top of her chest as they held one another quietly. She sighed, thinking to herself: "How did we even end up like this?"


"Unnie!~ Give me back my ice cream!~" whined the younger Y/N as she jumped up and down in an attempt to take back her ice cream that's been stolen by her best friend, Jeongyeon.

"Bleh~ Come and get it, dwarfy~" remarked the other as she teasingly held up the cone of melting dessert in her hands. She stuck her tongue out as she watched Y/N's feeble attempts to snatch back what was hers.

"Aish!~ You're lucky, you're taller than me! Trust me, when I get older, I'll grow taller than you!"

With Jeongyeon just a few months older than Y/N, the two made a great bond as they went through all the years of middle school together, and still have planned to stick with each other throughout the remaining years of their lives, that includes highschool.

They were the bestest of friends anyone could ever see. The closest as they could ever get as they shared almost every moment of their lives together. From the start of the day to the end of it, they're always together. The two are inseparable.

Still, as Jeongyeon is a few months older than the latter, she insisted to Y/N not to call her unnie a million times before but Y/N as the stubborn as that she is, she always declined.

As impossible as it might seem today, Y/N and Jeongyeon were in love with the thought of being together forever - not as a romantic couple - but as friends living together in one roof, sharing their ups and downs. They had their future planned out and they had absolutely no plans on leaving each other's lives no matter what.

Everything was fine, until they both started their upper secondary school.

That's when Y/N's life started to go downhill.

Since then, she started to go to school with bruised, busted lips, wounded image - at times, she evidently even tried to hide all the remaining evidences of her father abusing her. That includes bite marks, and a lot of bruises. She couldn't even hide it.

Jeongyeon, of course, she was concerned. In her case, concerned even is an understatement. She felt more than that. She wanted to help Y/N, and she tried, she really did.

But Y/N once started to drift away from her when she met a new group of people - she hung out with Jeongyeon less and less.

In order to cope with her father's constant beating and abusive behavior, Y/N started to fuck up her own life in order to forget.

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