Thirty Three | 2

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"Congratulations on your graduation, Chaeyoungie!"

Holding her breath as she looked up, Chaeyoung smiled a contented smile, feeling all her works paying off after a long train of years she spent in highschool.

"Thank you, miss Im. I really appreciate it." She responded with a red face, thinking to herself: "Out of all these students, why is she greeting me? Why isn't she congratulating the honor students? Tzuyu? Mina? Why me?"

"Say, do you have any plans for college?" The teacher once again looked at her with a small grin, anticipating her answer.

"C-College?" Chaeyoung repeated, unconsciously biting her inner cheek as she never really thought about it. She never had any particular long-term goal after highschool, so she had nothing to answer.

"Yeah, I mean, what are you going to study? Where are you going to study? And all." the teacher once again explained, still with the never-ending smile on her face.

Chaeyoung was standing there, cutely, in her graduation robe, looking dumbfounded.

"I, uh, h-honestly, don't know... m-miss Im." Chaeyoung answered truthfully, the embarrassment obviously making its way up to the younger's flushed cheeks.

"That's great! I-I mean, that's not terrible. You can, uh," The teacher's recurring smile couldn't be painted off her face as she said the following words:

"You can stay at our coffee shop, for a while... and then, once you have something you want to pursue, we'll let you go."

"R-Really?!" Chaeyoung gasped in surprise upon hearing those words. Secondarily, because she finally had something to do after highschool, but primarily because she get to stay with the said teacher, even after highschool.

She really wasn't sure she'd see the woman with those adorable bunny teeth again after stepping out of this place, but there she is, internally celebrating because the teacher proposed a deal that she would never turn down. How can she?

"Yeah! You're a very diligent student, Chaeyoungie. So I guess this is the least I can do to help." When Nayeon put her hand on the smallers shoulder, it was evident that the both of them stiffened up at the sudden contact, but decided to stay quiet about it.

"T-T-Thank you, miss Im." the red-faced student hung her head low in gratitude.

"I guess you can call me by my name now, know? I'm not your teacher anymore."

"Y-Your n-name?" Chaeyoung almost screamed in delight hearing that, but she had to keep her cool and the only way she knew how was to grip on the silk she's wearing, tightly.

'We're on the first name basis now? Holy shit.'

"Miss Im! We need you for the class picture!" then, it was a loud male voice screaming out for the teacher's attention.

"Oh? Looks like we're needed there. Let's go, Chaeyoungie." Nayeon quickly put her hand down from the younger's shoulder and made her way to the said spot where they would take their graduation pictures.

'And she's been calling me Chaeyoungie too, what the actual fuck?'


"I got third place again." Jeongyeon lowly sighed with her shoulders in a sad slouch after seeing the results of their overall performance during this school year.

Once again, she got third place. Despite Y/N being out of the picture, she still couldn't outdo the others. She shook her head, thinking that it's probably time to accept it; third place is the best she can do, that's it.

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