Twenty Seven

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(unedited; sorry for errors.)

"Everyone, please, take you seats, the program would be starting in 5 minutes." the moment that those words were announced, the loud chatter all around the halls and the tables in the school's gymnasium died down for a bit only to be replaced by another set of murmurs and conversations once again.

"Tzuyu's still not here," sighed Momo as she needlessly stares at the gateways, waiting for it to open to reveal Tzuyu, the one they've been waiting for this whole time. In just a minute or two, they would most likely get their hopes down, thinking that Tzuyu would miss this event when in the first place, she was the one to plan it.

"That's way better." Chaeyoung grinned. Feeling as though she'd maintained her secret safe in between her and only the people involved. Of course, Momo had no idea about this but still, she shrugged it off.

She never really had the interest to go around and ask Chaeyoung about her life and even though they've been friends for a while now, still, it is safe to say that Momo doesn't quite know Chaeyoung yet. That only because she's always been more interested in the other, this whole time.

"She said she was gonna go. What if something happened along the way?" Momo furrowed her brows. She was pessimistic, worried that something might have taken place where no one else could be a witness. She was feeling uneasy while Chaeyoung was feeling the opposite.

She was acting strangely different. Ever since three days before this event has been set to take place.

Momo noticed it, how she suddenly became uneasy every time Tzuyu's around, even the fact that she tries to get Tzuyu to skip the party, or maybe the one where she just ran away from Tzuyu with her head low, saying that she's sorry and coming back the day after like nothing ever happened.

It was all different. It was as if someone else was in control of Chaeyoung ever single day. Whatever it is, but these past times, the younger has been an absolute mess. Whatever's causing it, it's only for her to know.

"Pft, no. Maybe she changed her mind, it's okay." Chaeyoung reassured while Momo sat still, unable to calm her mind down from racing.

"No, Chae, I don't think—

"Calm down, Momo. She's fine, stop being so fucking nosy!" Chaeyoung snapped with a loud click of the tongue. Her voice raised all of the sudden, evident that she was losing her shit from all the things that's been running through her head.

"What the hell, Chaeng?" Momo was flabbergasted. Mainly because of the lack of respect Chaeyoung has been projecting lately, and by the way the younger isn't even shaking about all the possibilities of Tzuyu being somewhere danger.

Of course, she's worried about the said class president, but why and how on earth is Chaeyoung keeping her composure?

That's not how she's supposed to be acting.

"I told you, it's better this way! Y/N and her can't meet!" Chaeyoung announced, standing up abruptly from her seat, even slapping both her palms on the table covered by some thin, black, cloth just to express her strong disagreement to Momo's statements.

"She could be in trouble right now! Do you not understand that?"

"No, I don't understand. I don't understand why you're being so fucking annoying right now!" yelled Chaeyoung.

She was being illogical, as she always was.

Momo just internally thanked the loud music around them, that way, the fuzz that Chaeyoung has been creating is not yet acknowledged by people. They were too busy minding their own businesses.

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