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"Hm, thanks for walking me home " Jihyo smiled, saying her farewell to the said woman who walked her home. Gripping on the side of her sling bag, she nodded her head before closing the gates and walking towards the entrance door of the same gigantic house Mina and Y/N just got it.

Mina was panicking as she was watching Jihyo enter the house with a subtle smile. After taking a peek at the window, Mina closed the curtains shut before walking to Y/N who's sitting still on Mina's bed. Her eyebrows were furrowed and obviously she was confused. Earlier today, she had just planned on taking her so called revenge by assumably beating Mina up but now, the tables had totally turned.

" Y/N, Jihyo's home! " Mina gasped and Y/N stayed in silence. In panic, Mina started to walk back and forth inside her room with Y/N just watching her every move. The front door was head being opened and Jihyo just got in, yelling;

" Mina-yah, I'm home! " a loud voice was heard followed by the sound of the door being locked. Mina's panic rate was again increased.

" Holy shit, Jihyo can't know that you're here! " Mina whisper-yelled as she ran her hand through her hair in panic. Y/N was annoyed at how Mina was acting so she spoke up.

" You dragged me here, why are you acting like that? " In annoyance, she sternly stated. Y/N released a scoff before standing up and forcefully taking Mina by the wrist.

" Calm your ass down or I will punch you " Y/N threatened, her eyes into a sharp glare and her fists clenching around Mina's tiny wrist.

" Go hide in the bathroom! I can hear Jihyo coming! " However, despite Y/N throwing threats and glare to the said mute girl only care about hiding Y/N from Jihyo for some reason.

" W-What? " For the very first time, someone made Y/N stutter. She was confused, angry and curious at the same time and it was evident in her voice, her facial expressions and her actions. Which are all unusual when it comes to Y/N.

Mina gasped and forcefully pushed Y/N to the bathroom, with Jihyo's footsteps nearing them, Y/N's heartbeat also raised and it was all new to her. Y/N tried to push back and stop Mina from throwing her to the bathroom, but due to the new emotions she felt and is, still feeling, she had grown weak physically resulting for Mina to successfully push her inside and lock the doors to her face.

" Be quiet! " Mina warned her as she shut the bathroom door close on Y/N's face. The bully couldn't even make a single word in bewilderment.

" Minari, I got the results! " A knock was heard followed by Mina clearing her throat. As there was a few seconds gap of silence, Mina took the chance to tidy up her room, cleaning everything that might make Jihyo suspect anything about anyone's presence aside from the two.

" O-Okay! C-C-Come in! " Mina stuttered before sitting on the edge of her bed, acting like she had just got up the same time Jihyo turned the knob and walked in with a piece of paper in her hand.

" What took you so long? " Mina talked smoothly with no stutter or shaking of the voice at all.

" Oh, uh... The bus took long to arrive, hehe. " Jihyo giggled followed by Mina nodding her head. From time to time, Mina would spare a glance at the bathroom door, checking on Y/N wether she's peeking or maybe doing something that Jihyo might notice.

" Er... So here's what the doctor gave to me. He told me that you should take this one at morning, after eating and then... "

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