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24. (events before this scene are written on: chapter 20)

With quivering lips and shaky eyes, Y/N stared at the quiet girl silently, trying not to show any signs of emotion as the stinging pain on her left cheek continuously dragged across her face.

All she did was wait for the said girl's next action to determine her next move. Would she speak? Would she hit Y/N again? Would she explain why? Or would she just walk away?

" Mina-ssi, what was that?! " Chaeyoung gasped as she ran quickly to the two and tried to pull the mute girl back, knowing the possible consequences of messing with Y/N, who, if I may add, the devil of this classroom, maybe the whole school, even.

The bully licked the left corner of her lip, her eyes still glued to Mina who's sharply staring at her, showing no sign of fear, at all.

It tasted like blood.

Yes, the girl with that shoulder-length hair slapped her that hard that blood started slowly drawing out of her lips.

" Well, ouch " Y/N laughed as she touches her now bleeding lip, with everyone's eyes still on them.

" Mina-ssi, let's go " as Chaeyoung said those, she tried pulling the quiet girl away from Y/N who was standing still with her hands wiping out the blood from her lips.

Mina kept her silence, as she always did. Her knuckles still were white, showing that she was still as mad as she was moments ago. But why?

A hand grabbed onto Y/N's wrist and dragged her quickly out of the room, without giving her the time to react. The class' eyes dragged across every spot they went on as the students all followed where Mina dragged Y/N.

Y/N didn't even protest, she just kept her other hand inside her pocket and let the mute girl drag her everywhere.

Inside, she was pissed as hell. She wanted to just go and strangle Mina to death, if possible— but she didn't.

"I will protect her, no matter what, " it repeated inside her head. Though she knew that she already couldn't keep that promise, she persisted.

It only took a few deep breaths before they were inside the girls' bathroom. The door was locked, and the stalls were checked if they were empty— all was done by Mina, alone.

" I knew I shouldn't have given it to you, " Mina started.

" If I didn't know better, I would think that you brought me here to fuck " Y/N blurted out with a chuckle.

" Shut up. " Mina glared at the taller girl, sharply.

" Why? What did I do this time? " Asked the bully. " Are you gonna blame me for letting you get touched by that man—

" You just threw this away! " Suddenly, Mina yelled as she pulled out something from her pocket. Even cutting Y/N's statement off, just to prove her newly-revealed point.

" Threw what— " Y/N quietly gasped. "—the fuck? " She continued.

" You slapped me for that toy?! What the hell?! " Y/N didn't quite take that positively. Well, who would? Mina just slapped her— take note, HARDLY, for what?

For that penguin figurine she picked up as she was strolling with Jinyoung. As she was looking at the ground the whole time, she noticed that penguin figurine she gave to Y/N as a bribe on the ground, and god knows how important it is for the said mute girl.

That's why, she picked it up, ran away, and tried to find Y/N. She didn't even mind that Jinyoung was with her the whole time.

" You know how important this is for me! " Mina seemingly whined as she stomped her feet a few times.

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