Twenty Eight

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"Why is a gorgeous woman like you standing alone in this cold, lonely, rooftop during such a lovely event downstairs?" A voice suddenly echoed followed by a trail of footsteps. Y/N, with her eyes closed noticed that the voice was much more mature than the average student so she knew that it was someone unfamiliar.

Still, she kept her calm demeanor, refusing to acknowledge the other's arrival despite him asking the bully a question.

In a short span of time, the footsteps stopped, followed by the harrowing presence of the man now standing beside the said woman with her earphones still plugged in.

"Oh, music, mind if I-" noticing the said devices plugged into the Y/N's ears, the man started, even putting his hands in the air, attempting to take one ear bud from the latter to take for his own.

"Fuck off." Y/N speaks up, finally opening her eyes to look at the man beside her.

"Well, hi, there." He greeted with an awkward laugh, waving his hands in the air, and smiling at the student. Y/N eyed him up and down with her brows furrowed.

"What do you want, Jinyoung?" Hearing that come from the other's lips enlightened the man. He smiled, his eyes seemingly brightening with the other's statements.

"So, you do remember me." He chuckles.

"What do you want?" Repeated, Y/N.

"Well, it's my birthday and I chose to celebrate it here, with the help of my father." The impudent young man explains briefly.

"Ah, so the principal tricked everyone into thinking that it's his birthday, when all this time, it was you?" Y/N scoffs. "Who the fuck names their fucking son after them?" She adds with a sarcastic laugh.

"Won't you greet me, at least?" He smiled, looking the latter in the eyes as he asks.

"No, fuck off." Y/N only shuts him off.

"I won't." He shrugs it off. "I only want one thing from you, Y/N." He announces.

"I'm not doing a damn thing for you."

"Why not? You know I can ruin you." Whispers he. His eyes suddenly turning darker as his wishes were harshly turned down. He didn't think that it would be that easy to get Y/N to agree to his propositions at all, so he brought something up.

"So can I," Y/N yawns right after speaking up, even cracking her neck afterwards, showing just how unhinged she is.

"I'm not really here to fight, Y/N. I just want one thing from you." He repeats his motives.

"I'm not doing a goddamn thing for you."

"Play with me, one more time, before I leave this shit hole, and fly to America." Jinyoung proposes with a serious look on his face. Y/N couldn't even comprehend, all she could do was laugh and say:

"I don't care about your do's and don't's, shithead. And no, I'm not coming back to that damned casino to play with you. So, leave as you may."

"I'd be delighted to send you off."

Y/N doesn't know who Jinyoung is. The only thing she knows is that he's a huge, compulsive gambler. He's completely insane when not granted of his wishes.

"You will regret that."

and she do, now.

• • •

The stinging pain dragging across Y/N'S face woke her up from her trance as all of the sudden, there was a silhouette standing right in front of her. She couldn't even tell which cheek of hers had been slapped, but all she knows is that, it's most likely Jinyoung's fault.

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