chapter thirty eight

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14 October, 1976
9:07 am

The moon went down and the sun went up, signifying a new day. But not just any day, it was a Hogsmeade day, and all of the sixth year Gryffindor girls were excited. They all got out of bed, feeling well rested. They got dressed in outfits suitable for the cool weather and long walk.

During breakfast, they discussed what they wanted to do that day, where they would like to go, and what exactly they were looking to buy. It was Petunia's birthday, so Lily wanted to go to the post office to send her a gift. Marlene wanted to look around in Spintwitches to see if they had anything she could get for quidditch and Lily needed a few more ink bottles at Scrivenshaft's. Alice pulled Ophelia away from the group for a moment to tell her that she would help Ophelia buy a swimsuit.

After breakfast, they met up with Dorcas and Mary, and all got into one of the many carriages that were lined up and loading students, ready to go down the long road to Hogsmeade Village.

Once they arrived at Hogsmeade Station, they hopped out of the carriage, one by one, and started walking down the long road, crunching on fallen leaves of orange and brown. The street was busy, filled with students coming out of Honeydukes with lollipops or running around trying to find their friends.

The six girls opened up the large red door with a squeak that couldn't be heard over the loud hoots of the owls. There was an old man standing at the counter, whom Lily went up to and had a quick conversation with. He led her over to one of the many owls in large metal cages.

She pulled a small package out of her purse and tied it around the owl's leg. It flew out the door and away into the sky. Lily paid the old man and turned back to her friends.

"What did you get her?" asked Mary.

"A necklace with the letter P on it. I think Tuney will like it," Lily replied.

"Can we go to Honeydukes now?" asked Marlene, almost jumping on the balls of her feet out of excitement.

"Of course Mar, but how many chocolate frogs are you planning to get?" laughed Alice.

"As many as it takes until I get a card that I don't already have."

"Don't you have almost all of them though?" asked Ophelia, laughing.

"Not enough," said Marlene before leading the group out of the noisy shop and out into the windy street.

The group entered into the brightly colored shop that was completely packed with students. As one of their only forms of sweets, students used the store to their advantage whenever they could.

Ophelia picked out a few sugar quills and some of Honeydukes Best Chocolate and searched around for Marlene and the rest of her friends. As predicted, Marlene was over by the chocolate frogs, just walking away from the wall with her arms carrying as many as she could hold.

"Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar, stop stop stop! You're going to drop all of those. Give me a few to carry," said Ophelia, as she watched her best friend struggle to hold onto the candies.

Marlene sheepishly grinned and slipped a few of her chocolate frogs into Ophelia's arms and together they walked to the cashier counter. They spilled all of their candies onto the counter and looked up to see the cashier looking at them apprehensively.

"Is this all one payment?" she asked, tonelessly as if she wanted to be anywhere but there.

"No we're splitting-" started Marlene.

"Yes, it's all one payment," interrupted Ophelia, taking out her coin purse. She fiddled around for the right amount of money and placed it on the counter.

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