I found something on Tumblr...

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So guys I'm just mindlessly scrolling and liking posts and occasionally reblogging them when I found something

So I found the Suicide Hotline of the Philippines

Here is it: 02-896-9191

Some of you know I'm prone to suicidal thoughts and I thought I'm going to do you guys a favor by posting our Suicide Hotline

You know, in case I suddenly act up and start posting things about me wanting to die or something

I assure you I'm 99% okay right now

I can't be trusted to call the hotline when I'm feeling like doing it since you know, weak emotional control. And I'm kind of dependent on someone else to call fot me



You can see the other numbers on Tumblr though. Just scroll down (and ignore the shit I reblog) (ignore the shitty theme too)

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