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Nah, there's nothing wrong if you're gathering information for a story or biography or for Wikia

But for stalking just because you're obsessed?!

Excuse me?!

You got to be kidding me!

The information you gathered is enough for you to write a complete biography!

Where did you learn his/her blood type?! You went to their birth hospital and snooped at the records?! Wait, where did you learn that too?!

Seriously, you're creeping them out!

Okay, I stalk too but its just to make my stories relevant

When was the last time I mentioned Sky lives in Taiwan?! Facebook?

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

Sky is in US at the moment. I therefore conclude stalking can give you relevant information for your writing

But for some other purpose?

For fuck's sake no!

Its scary as shit

What was Ty's blood type? A?

Dude, you're creeping me out ._______________.

(Note: This is not aimed at anyone to avoid getting reported ._. Its not fun)

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