Rant #4

557 26 16

My own dad just slapped me


Isnt that cool?

He slapped me hard, a real hard

For just using Wattpad, I earned my 1st slap of the year

God, what an achievement!

Hahahaha, ang saya saya no? (Hahahahaha, int't it fun?)

Go ahead Dad, you can slap me for not hanging out with my classmates

I dont like them very much, they bully me every chance they got

Not with fist

With words

I call you lucky if you can hear well

I'm just a messed up daughter

Obviously, my parents hate me

One, for going to the B section

Two, for not participating in any family time

Three, I wasnt as smart and as pretty they want me

Four, I was an emo

Five, I'm a loner

Six, for liking Youtuberz instead of boy bands

Seven, for dressing like a boy

Eight, for not being a Protestant and choose to remain Catholic

Nine, for not choosing to pursue what Mom wants

And ten,

For being a Wattpader

They should be proud of me

I'm an aspiring essayist

An artist

An writer

I dont want to let a single slap ruin my life

But I cried that night, calling out. Seto's name

He wont hear me

But I'm glad he saved me that night too, with the memories of me watching him play

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