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I lost my favorite blue USB and it was really expensive ;v;

Adi: As you can see... The more fragile her health state is, the more likely bad sh*t happens to her

Trista: And there is a possibility that she's developing dementia too early because I think she's starting to forget so many things

Ali: I think its the best if we keep her occupied on learning something else... Like... Guitar...

Trista: Or maybe fulfill her dreams?

Fun fact: USB may seem ordinary to you but to Twilia, its like her life line for a happy ending. Losing a USB means DISCONTINUED STORIES

Adi: *high fives the other four* See that drama? I learned fast xD But its serious she's so forgetful which is unusual since her memory is sharp as f*ck and she can remember details but now she starts to forget. Premature dementia?

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