I came to a conclusion...

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Well I kind of study people's behaviour so I came to a conclusion that Dan and Phil kept a secret for a year

-They quit 3/4 of their BBC job
-Dan is not that active
-Phil's activity lessened slightly
-They mentioned they were working on something
-The cameos in liveshows were brief (Nice back btw Phil :D)
-I noticed Dan isn't on Tumblr as much as he used to
-I kinda felt this but I noticed how fast they are moving (That's just a feeling)
-Shifty eyes eh?

So in conclusion, they were working on something which we all now know as the book and tour

Mother of God who told me they were manipulating us?! If I were being manipulated, I would actually play along. I know when people get manipulative. If they were, I could have left but no they weren't. I hate manipulators (including myself. Jeez I was that manipulative in 6th-8th grade >_<)

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