Chapter 28

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I woke up to find strong arms wrapped around my waist and a light breath blowing on my neck. It really tickled, I started to squirm and break out of the grasp, but he just pulled me closer, mumbling nonsense.

'Wait! Back up a few... arms? Breath? Mumbling! KYLE!' I mentally screamed in my head, I hadn't seen him in agesss!

I rolled over so that I was facing him, and I smiled at how innocent he looked when he was asleep. I placed my fingertips on his cheek and trace his jaw line lightly. His eyes flicker open and he smiled, pulling me closer, until his face is inches away from mine, and I start blushing really hard. My face is probably bright red, God dammit!

He laughed and kissed me lightly on the nose, saying in his, I must say sexy morning voice:

"Morning LA'mor."

Guess how I replied to that!

"Eww, Kyle! Yucky morning breath, yucky!" I placed my hands on his bare chest and 'tried' to push him away from me, key word 'tried', but failed miserably.

He moved closer until I was under him and he was above me. I looked around nervously, while he just laughed and placed small kisses along my neck and jaw line, purposely breathing in my face.

"C'mon Love, its not that bad! Is it?" He asked, flipping me over so I was on top of him.

And when I say on top I mean like I was laying on his chest, I'm so SMALL!

I quickly tried to scramble off him, and succeeded in falling butt-first on the ground...

I quickly stood up like nothing happened. Because nothing did happen! Just me standing next to a bed, nothing suspicious about that, is there?

'God, this is embarrassing.' A girl's voice sounded in my head.


'Oh God no.'

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