Chapter 22

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Julie told me about her self and vice versa, apparently she had been living in an old coyote den for the past five years, after her mother and father were killed brutally in a hunter attack.

The doors busted open, with a loud bang echoing through the room, causing everyone to scream in shock. Four men, with Nathan and Jared, went around with sticks with electricity sparking of them, zapping a girl if she didn't move fast enough. I jump up quickly and grab Julie's hand, pulling her off the bunk bed and towards the couches, where they were making us sit. Julie tripped on the carpet, sending her down, and I grabbed her hand at the last minute before her head hit the hard wooden floor.

A loud gun shot ran through the room, and a high pitched scream came from the fallen girl. One of the men came up behind Julie, ready to zap her to keep moving.

I couldn't stop myself. Even if I tried...

Lola took over, and claws extended from my fingers, along with long sharp fangs, my eyes shifting to their golden yellow, all before I pounced on the man, sending him flying across the room into the wall, and with a loud satisfying 'crack' he fell limp.

The room fell dead silent as everyone looked at me, either scared, horrified or... happy? That one was Nathan, he scares me... a lot.

Jared went to take a step towards me, I growled at him and sunk down into a crouch in front of Julie, who was lying on the floor with blood dripping from a cut across her lip.

"I'm not going to hurt her, I promise." He says, walking a bit closer until he was in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

Lola fell silent and my teeth and nails went back to their original state. Jared smiled at me, about to say something, when the doors burst open... a second time! Jeez, can't they at least knock first? God, it's called manners, and I know some people don't have it, *cough*, *Nathan*, *cough, cough*

A herd of men bolted in through the now open door, panting with blood dripping down them, onto the perfectly clean white carpet, leaving large red and brown blotches. That's not gonna come out easily.

"Sir, Sir! The pack, they're here! Here to free them, there's too many!"

I never thought I would look forward to such bad/good news!

Suddenly blood started sprouting from the guy's mouth, and coughing uncontrollably, he fell to the ground... dead. And guess who stood behind him, with a blood red hand, from shoving their hand through him! Guess!?, Guess?!

JARED! Just kidding, he's standing next to me... haha.

"Alpha Boy?!"

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