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There we go! FINISHED! I hope you all enjoyed this semi-ok book, I may do a Sequel if enough of you ask for one. So comment on how you liked the story. On what you think should happen 'If' I make a sequel. Comment If you think I should have a sequel as well.

Thankyou all, each and everyone one of you who Commented, Voted, or even just read this book...It means a lot to me to know some of you liked it.

So until next time amigos....Cya Later!

P.S You can privet message me or comment on what kinda other books I should wright, if you don't want a sequel. I'm open to suggestions personally I prefer FanFiction, this is my first Paranormal book.

FanFiction like:

Harry Potter

Percy Jackson

Heroe's of Olympus

I am number four


Teen Wolf



Also you can suggest others like





and lots lots more just suggest them to me and tell me what you would like!

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