Chapter 33

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Lucy and Kyle

"Told you! You should have just let him go." Mother said as she cleaned out the cut across my shoulder.

I hiss in pain as the fabric scraped the open wound.

"I know, and I'm sorry." I told mother, and she laughed and shook her head.

"Should I let the visitors in?" The nurse that was helping me asked.

My mum nodded and gestured for her to let them in.

The nurse walked over to the door, letting the visitors in... oh God.

"Lucy!" Electra, Jordan, Cam, Dan, Bella, Anabeth, Sophie, Zoe, Storm, Chitar, Sapphire, Joule, Nik, Erik, Nico, Jackson, Daniel, James and Kyle shout, running over to me.

Kyle was the first one to reach me, and pulled me into a death hug.

"Come off it, mutt! Share her!" Electra yelled at Kyle.

He just shrugged, picking me up off the bench and sitting down, placing me on him. Electra rolled her eyes and hugged me, then Bella and so on.

"That was a stupid move, little Sis," James said, giving me a hug, "And I missed you!"

I laughed and hugged him back.

"I must be off," My mother said to James and I, smiling sadly, "Take care of yourselves, beware of Ethan, and keep training!"

And with that she flashed away, leaving all of us in a stunned silence.

"Where you gonna be staying?" Bella asked.

"Camp." I said.

"Pack." Kyle said at the same time.

"No!" We both said.

"You're staying at the pack house with me, that's final." Kyle said, settling the argument.


"Why did I agree to this, again?" Kyle whines, looking at me sadly.

"Because you love me." I said, pecking him on the cheek.

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I blushed and looked away, as he laughed and pulled me into his chest.

"I love you." He said, "And I know I've been a bit of a bastard before, but I do I love you. I never wanna let you go - I can't leave you here - I hav-"

"Shhh, you talk to much," I said to him, placing my lips on his, "I love you too."

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