Chapter 3

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Cam, Jordan and Dan

I've been living at the Anderson's house for about 2 years now, and it's my 14th birthday tomorrow.Yay. Well, I better tell you how I look and what I've been up to the last 2 years. Well, first things first.

I am the school's cheerleader, along with 5 other girls, and apparently I'm the girl every girl wants to be and all the boys wanna have, but with the help of my best friends Jordan, who has long straight brown hair and sparkly blue eyes, Dan, who has dirty blonde hair but has blue eyes, then last but not least Cam, with his black hair, he is the, what the school calls 'bad boy' that all the girls want to date.... and he's a player, no, he's the 'school's' player, but he isn't with anyone more than a week, his longest was two weeks, and that was because the girl didn't come to school. 

But I love them all dearly.

So yeah, with their help they keep the boys at bay around me, and even though I don't need their help, I appreciate it. Back to the present: tomorrow's my 14 birthday, and I'm so excited I can't wait. I still have my way with boys....I hate them!


I woke up at 7 after my alarm went off.  It's my birthday, yeah. I walked downstairs after getting my bag for school and getting dressed, and when I got there Lily was waiting for me. She kissed me on the cheek and said "Happy birthday" and then pushed me out the front door.

As I walked towards the bus stop I had a strange feeling – like something was going to happen. That's when I heard a soft voice in my mind say:

"Stay strong my daughter, everything's about to change"

And then it was gone. I looked around, confused, until I saw Dan and Jordan waiting for me at the bus stop. When I walked up to them they both yelled in both my ears.


"Shut up I think I'm deaf now, thanks." I say, with sarcasm leaking from my words.

They both just stood there, grinning like mad people. OK....maybe I have weird friends after all.

As we climbed onto the bus, I looked out the window to see that we were already at school. I had this uneasy feeling, the others must of noticed because Jordan asked:

"Are you OK Lu? You look a bit pale."

"Just a bit nervous, I have this bad feeling." I say.

She smiles one of those smiles people do when they have a great plan.

"Well if you're feeling up to it, I'm sure we could go out for lunch in the plaza. We have free time because the math teacher's sick, and we get that time off."

"That would be awesome, thank you Jordan! You always seem to be able to make me feel better." I say, hugging her as we walk to our first classes.

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