Chapter 8

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I woke up in a white room with two guys leaning over me. Instincts kicked in, and I kicked them in their stomachs and they both flew back against the far wall, literally like a meter off the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked, slipping out of bed and quickly regretting it, as my head got heavy and I felt like someone was attacking me. My vision blurred, my knees buckled, and I fell, but before I fell strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up onto the bed.

"Easy now princess, don't want to knock yourself out again." the guy who caught me said.

"Name: Daniel, Camp Trainer of swords and knives, also head of the Camp Hospital." he said, giving me a dazzling smile, which made me mentally gag.

'Agreed decently, NO.' Lola agreed. 'My time with you is up, and I will see you again someday.' and with that Lola was gone.

"And my name is Lord Minos, god of minds and controlling the human body, also camp director. Call me Lord M." the second guy said.

They both looked about 17-19, and both had eight packs. Daniel had soft, curly black hair that was to die for and blue eyes, while Lord M had dirty blond hair that was in a sideways flick, with chocolate brown eyes.

There's definitely something in the water...

"So... can I leave yet?" I asked the two men standing in front of me, grinning. They better stop grinning, or their faces will stay the same.

"Nope, not yet." Daniel said. "We're waiting for Electra, your guide, to take you back to your room."

"What ever." I grumble.

So it's been five awkward minuets with Lord M and Daniel, just standing there watching me. I'm going to break the awkward silence.... NOW.

"Sooo, I'm at a camp for children-"

"Yes." Daniel says.

"And I'm going to live here?"


"And learn how to fight here?"


"And there are monster things out there to kill me?"

"Yes." Daniel said, while his grin reached his eyes, showing of his cute dimples.

Whoa... stop. Cute?... no, I said annoying. Definitely.

I was about to ask Daniel one more question, when the hospital doors burst open and there stood my mother! No, I'm joking, she's dead, its just Electra.

"I'm here Sir, would you like me to take Lucy to her cabin or to the Parlor?" Electra asked Lord M.

"To the Parlor, I think she will be claimed tonight." Lord M says, and then starts walking.

"Hi Electra." Daniel says, and smiles at her, then walks off.

"" Electra says in a daze, a dreamy look on her face. I snort - so ladylike.

"Aww, Electra has a crushywush on Dannie boy." I giggle. Her face became red and she starts to stutter words like 'No, no way.' or was it 'No, not ever.' I can't tell, she's stuttering so bad.

She sighs and grabs my wrist, and pulls me out the door after Daniel. I'll never let her live that one down.

(Mentally laughs.)

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