Chapter 23

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The Highway

I stared, shocked at the sexy guy standing in front me with blood all over his hand. He looked up at me and smirked at my confused and shocked expression. A herd of werewolf men came running in, grabbing the guys' throats and ripping them out easily - some of the men grabbed the rest of us girls and moved us out of the fighting scene. I quickly grabbed Julie's hand, bringing her closer to me as we dodged yet another body being thrown across the room...

Strong arms wrapped around my me, pulling myself and Julie out of the room as smoke started coming from the far corner of the room, where someone had lit a fire.

"Get down!" 'Alpha Boy' yells, jumping over us and shielding us from the broken window shards.

Julie was clinging to me for dear life as 'Alpha Boy' picked me up by my armpits and kept on running. We made it to the entry hall, which was full of guys fighting with both guns and claws, slashing and shooting, killing and maiming.

"Get in the van! NOW!" 'Alpha Boy' yells at us, handing Julie and I to a a group of guys pulling the rest of the girls into the van.

'Alpha Boy' jumps in, slamming the doors shut and yelling to the driver to step on it.

The van swayed a bit and then sped down a deserted road, leaving a dust trail behind us. I looked down at Julie, to find her curled up in my arms, attached to my hip. I smile and play with strands of her hair, gently pulling the glass and dried blood out, so that I didn't wake her.

My head and eyelids started to get heavy, and I felt strong arms lift me up and place me on their lap, and another set of hands pull Julie off me and take her away. I struggled to open my eyes to get Julie back.

"No... give her.... back." I mumble, trying to stand up and get her, but the arms grab me from behind, gently pulling me down, and I finally give in as my legs fall asleep.

"Shhh, Isabelle just sleep, Julie's safe, shhh." So the arms around me are a guy's, ehh, I wonder who.

"'Alpha Boy'?" I ask sleepily, laying my head back against his hard chest. It vibrates as he chuckles.

"Mmhm, its me." He chuckles, I feel soft lips kissing my forehead and then I'm in darkness.

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