Chapter 26

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Five freaking hours I have been here.... in a room, locked in... barred in, like an animal... my. Life. Sucks!

Molly had brought up food two times every two hours, and it's about three in the afternoon. I had tried barging through the door and windows and even the wall... But don't worry! I shifted back to my human body first.

I think I'm slowly going insane... not there yet, but slowly, step by step...

I was wearing one of Kyle's shirts, with my shorts under it. After a while, I had decided to take a shower, so here I am in his shirt. I sat there for who knows how long, at the window seat, playing with my ice, making sculptures and designs.

Around 8:00 I started to get sleepy, so I grabbed a pillow and sheet out of his closet, laying down on the couch in front of the fire, and slowly drifting off into darkness.


I woke up in a bed with strong arms around my waist, keeping me in place. I rolled over and looked at the bare chested Kyle, smiling, and then remembered what he had done to me! I tried to pull myself away but with no luck. I grunted and poked his face. Roughly, at that.

He grunted and pulled me closer until I had no space to move. I sighed and looked at the time:

3:00 am... shit.

I felt myself fall asleep again, slowly.


I sat up in the bed, all alone, and the door closed... most likely locked as well. I sighed and looked out the window... this is gonna be another long day.


Four days, that's how long I have been kept in this bloody room. Same pattern: sleep on couch, end up in bed with Kyle, then he's gone before I'm awake. This had continued for four days, and it was now the fifth day, and it was starting to piss me off.

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