Chapter 6

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The Elm Children

We followed these strangers, not my idea, but the others seem to trust them, just because they saved them.


What about me? No one came and helped me.

They explained what we were, 'apparently' we are the children of element gods: both our parents are gods, but we only get one power, either from our mother or our father. They are taking us to a special camp for Elm Children, meaning us.

We had been walking for about an hour and my feet were getting sore. Nobody really cared that my feet hurt, bum heads. I keep seeing those yellow eyes watching me, creepy, but every time I tell Electra, she has a look of fear cross her face and then tells me to ignore them.

When I pointed this out again, they all got nervous and told me everything is fine and not to worry.

Me being...well, me, I didn't listen to them.

We soon reached a big lagoon, in the middle of the forest with a massive waterfall falling into it. There were stepping stones, all the way across the water to the middle of the waterfall. As we walked across the stones, I noticed they had wired symbols on them. As we stood in front of the waterfall, they all walked through, and we followed, until a symbol caught my eye: it was kind of like a snow flake but a bit triangular.

"I swear I've seen that somewhere before." I mumbled to myself.

When I walked through the waterfall, I expected to get wet, but instead my wound healed and my clothes and skin became clean. Okay...

What I saw took my breath away: we were in a large cavern, it wasn't dark and dull but full of life, there was a large lake in the middle of the cavern with wired elements swirling around inside of it.

Outside there was a long table with twelve bowls on it. Electra led us up to the bowls, and told us not to touch them. In the first four there was water in one, earth in another, fire, and I don't know how but a little bit of air circling the inside of the bowl. Next was ice, that one was my favourite, then iron, a blur of colours, lightning, a thing that kept changing into animals, a brain and a baby cheetah.

"First thing's first," Electra started.

"Let's show you where you will be sleeping until you're parent claims you." Sapphire finished, and smiled like her birthday had come early.

"But my parents died in a fire lit by me, I saw it, what in the name of cookies are you talking about!?" I practically yelled at them. I was so confused and scared.

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