Chapter 30

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Lucy's Outfit

"-I'm gonna tear their throats out with my- Lucy?!" A male's voice yelled.

I opened my eyes to see I'm in the middle of the dining Parlor up on the hill.

"Umm, hi?" It came out more of a question.

I looked up to find that mother was standing next to me in warrior time clothes, and I look down at myself and gasp. I. look. AWESOME! I have this kinda leather bra thing going on with, like, leather jeans, along with... I bet you'll never guess?




KNIVES! Along with my own little bow on my back! My hair had, like, little side plaits, and through them with twine. Everyone stood there shocked, and I looked around to find that I was standing in the middle of an argument, between the wolves and monsters against my camp. My mother was wearing the same thing pretty much, but instead of knives, she had a meter long sword attached to her belt.

"Now, that is not the way you address a goddess and her daughter!" My mother scolded both sides.

A muttering of both 'Sorry Ma'am' and 'Won't happen again, Miss' sounded.

"That's what I thought." she muttered to herself. Looking down at me, she smiled and kissed my forehead.

"What are you doing here?!"

I turn around to look at the male voice, oh God... I'm in deep shit...

"Kyle! Fancy seeing you here?" I said, smiling nervously at him, as I scratched the back of my neck. The look on his face, I'm being honest here... scared me, he was in full alpha werewolf/protective mode... right now I really want to just go find a room in his pack house, so that he won't be mad at me for leaving - no, he can't control me!

'Here, here, woman! We no need that wolfy!' Lola yelled in my head.

"Come here! Isabell!" He growled at me, tensing and flexing his fist to contain his anger. I must say he's H.O.T when he's angry... mmm.

'Snap out of it, woman!' Lola scolded me.

'Yeah, yeah, it's not like you're thinking the same thing.' I sassed at her.

'Mmmmm maybe..' She says trying to act inicoent.


'Back to present, girls!' My mother's voice echoed through my head.

I jumped in surprise, spinning around to face my mother, my hair whipping my face in the process.

I glared at my mother and looked everywhere but at Kyle, and I saw Jordan, Electra, Dan and Cam there, all staring at me in shock.

Personally, I don't actually blame them... I just popped out of thin air, in the middle of an argument, with a Goddess. Who, by the way, is my mother!

"We are here to stop the fight you two were about to start." My mother said, raising her voice, while glaring at Damion and Kyle.

You could easily see the two boys gulp and nearly wet themselves under my mother's glare... I wonder if I could have that effect?

'Probably.' Lola said, thinking to herself.

I nod in agreement to both Lola and my mother's words.

"I guess we should leave, don't you agree, Honey?" A male's voice said.

You could feel the power and authority radiating off of his voice.

"Oh God."

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