Chapter 32

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The Ice Shards

"That was a warning shot." I taunted, as my ice shards stuck into the wall, pinning Ethan there. Hehe.

'You're a naughty girl.' Lola tutted.

"Ohh, just as feisty as your mother." He teased. I took a threatening step towards him, but was stopped by my mother.

"Ethan, what are you doing here?" My mother growled at him, giving him 'The Glare', but he just chuckled and shook his head, not affected by the fierce glare.

"I've come back, to gain what is mine." He answered, looking from my mother, to me, and then to my brother.

"No," She answered angrily, "You left! So what makes you think that I would let you back here?"

"Mother, what's he talking about?" My brother said, stepping forward to stand on my left.

"Honey, you haven't told them?" Ethan said, smiling, "Well then, let's say I'm your father."

Gasps were heard all around; horror, fear, sorrow, envy... (no idea why!) and lots more.

"SHUT UP!" My mother yelled, her eyes shifting into their golden yellow, her teeth turning into fangs, and her nails into claws. Honestly, she looked pretty scary.

"You'll have no say, what so ever, in their lives," She growled at him, "You were banished from the Thrones of the Elements for impregnating me not once, but TWICE! And for killing hundreds and thousands of innocent children!"

"That was in the past, honey, please find a place in your heart to forgive me." He said pleadingly.

"Never." She spat out the words so harshly, that even I nearly wet myself.

"Fine then... so be it." And with that, long black smoke whips slashed at my brother, mother and I, so fast that we had no way to protect ourselves... well, that's what I had thought.

James threw his hand in the air, made a circular motion, and a wall of ice erupted from the ground so fast that if you blinked, you wouldn't have seen it. Black smoke started coming from one of my brother's hands, sliding its way so quickly that it looked like it had been there the whole time.

When the black whips struck the ice, they rebounded and snapped back into Ethan's hands. James looked really pale as I stood over him, with my mother stroking his head.

"Wow, that was unexpected," Ethan sung happily, "Anyhow, I must be off, tootles."

I wasn't gonna let him get away with it that easily. I swung my hand up and over my head, sending ice shards at him.

Letting Lola take control, I half-shifted with my claws, teeth and eyes, and I growled at him and sprung.

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