Chapter 16

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"A kiss."

Silence followed as he stood there grinning, while us girls stared at him. No way.

"Nope!" Jordan says, shaking her head and turning around.

"Who from?" Bella asked nicely.... sneaky little girl, she's what, seven? She knows it's not her...

"All of you, just on the cheek." He says pointing to it.

Electra walks up and kisses him on the cheek, blushing red may I add, then Jordan and then they looked at me.... Hell to the no!

"Come on Lucy, what's there to lose?" Jordan says, waving her hands dramatically above her head... trying to prove her point.

"Yeah, Lu, what's there to lose?" Daniel mocks.

"Grrr." I walk up to him and peck him on the check, but at the last moment he moved his head and my lips where on his. I gasped and stepped back, shocked. He was grinning ear to ear, while the rest of us stood there staring at him.

Bella was the first to speak. "No way...."

"Mmm." Was Daniel's awesome reply. He turned around, still grinning, and walked to the door, but not before turning around and saying:

"I hope this party will be fun, good luck."


"No bloody way!" Zoe, a newly claimed child from the Goddess of Colours said. She had a mixture of different coloured hair, with perfect soft skin. We all looked over at our new friend - we where talking about the party, and she said she doesn't want to wear a dress.

"Come on Zoe, it's only for the night!" Jordan whined to her, begging.

"Absolutely not!"

They have been arguing back and forth for over an hour now, and nobody's bothered to interrupt them. While they have been doing that, the rest of us have been telling people about the party and gathering stuff for it.

"FINE! I GIVE UP, I'LL WEAR THE DAMIN THING!" Zoe shouted, and I bet you if she was the daughter of fire, steam would be coming out of her ears.

I walked over to Bella, who was designing the cliff face to be were we are going to hold the party. I sat down next to her and pointed out that she should place a table in the far corner for food. She nodded and drew one there. Sitting back and looking at it it, the area looked good, with a disco light and white tables along the tree line with candles on them. I at first was a bit worried about falling of the edge of the cliff, but apparently you can't, there's this sort of magic that keeps you there.

"Ok girls, we're done." Bella shouted at us.

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