Chapter 9

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The Moon

We walked into the sunset valley, and we walked up a hill, into, I guess, the Parlor. I followed Electra, who took me over to my cabin's seats, that where at the front. I sat next to some random girl... I think her name is Sophie... or Zoe? No, definitely Sophie.

Our cabin took up half the stadium, so we are on one side and the claimed children are on the other. We are in a semicircle, claimed on one side, us on the other, and the trainers in between us. The other half of the circle looked out over the valley. We are up on a mountain, surrounding a campfire. Everyone was chatting and laughing, when the sun vanished behind us, and the moon's first rays hit us.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the moon, and that's when I heard it: a howl, breaking through the silence of the night. It sent shivers down my spine, and everyone has a look of fear on there faces, but mine was plain. Obviously the howl was a bad thing.

The next howls broke through, and they all howled together and then they stopped and there was silence. I was confused - why does everyone look scared-

"As everybody knows, the outside world is still trying to find us. For those who don't know what that was, that was the werewolves that live in the cove near us. They are searching to kill us, and the first howl was the Alpha's son, starting the search...." Daniel said. with a slight frown on his face.

"On a happier note, we have new campers." Daniel said, smiling at everyone. Whispers broke out, while some cheered.

"Four to be exact, yes, yes, I know we haven't had new campers in weeks, maybe even months, because the werewolves have been finding them and killing them, but let me introduce Jordan, Dan, Cam and Lucy. Would you four like to come out, please?" Daniel says, throwing us a dazzling smile. All the girls sigh at the sight of him.

I get up along with the others, and walk over to him. He points towards the line of chalk:

"One at a time, you will stand in the circle and wait for a symbol to appear over your heads, but if a star appears you will have to wait until tomorrow to try again. Alright, who's first?" Daniel says.

"I will." Cam volunteers. Daniel nods and points to the circle, and he walks up to it slowly and steps inside it. He starts glowing, when all of a sudden a glowing blue water drop appears above him. Everyone claps, along with me.

"Welcome, Cam, to your new family, and your father Lord Trident!" Lord M said, while pointing towards a group of kids cheering the loudest.

Cam smiled at us and walked over to them.

Next was Dan, he walked into the circle and a glowing red flame appeared in the air above his head. A ferocious roar came from a group two rows up the line.

"Welcome, Dan, to your new family, and your father Lord Piro." Lord M said, pointing to the group that cheered the loudest. Loud, much?

Next was Jordan, she gracefully walked into the circle, and a small, glowing green leaf appeared above her head. She smiled and stepped out, and the crowd cheered again.

"Welcome, Jordan, to your new family, and your father King Oaka." he pointed to the 1st row, that held a lot of posh kids, sitting there politely clapping.

OK, deep breaths Lou, no pressure. Everyone was on the edge of there seats to watch me. I heard someone mutter 'God dammit, are you sure she's half blood? looks more like a god.' I laughed at that, and my laughter carried across the valley. I walked into the circle, it suddenly got cold, and everyone was looking at me while I waited.

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