Chapter 13

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The Lake

I'm sitting at the lake, thinking about what Daniel and Lord M told me.... sooo, they said I had to train really hard and every day of every week of every month and every year until he comes. Which is probably soon. God dammit.

Sooo, I'm still sitting at the lake, with my toes dangling in the water, when a twig snapped behind me on the Camp's border. I jumped into attack position. I hear a low growl, and I flinch when the sound of bones cracking appears.

"Good to see they're training you, we can't have a weak link in the pack, now can we Isabelle?" the 'Alpha Boy' says.

My breath intakes and my hands start shaking, not out of fear but out of anger. He thinks he can control me and call me my middle name, I'll show that son of a...

A..a...a dog, yes a DOG.

I look at him again, he truly is a god... good looks, power, eight Pack-wow, slow down, stop staring Lu you look like an idiot.

"Like what you see, L'amor?" 'Alpha Boy' smirks, wriggling his eyebrows. I fake gag.

"Nope! Seen better." I say. Obviously a lie, no one could beat 'Alpha Boy's' good looks.

He looks hurt for a second, which confuses me, then he breaks into a grin and steps towards me. I stepped back, he growled and I stayed put.

"L'amor, no one looks at you like I do, so -" he's cut off by Daniel bursting through the bushes.

You know the saying 'Your knight in shining armour comes and saves you.' we'll it's true! Daniel came and saved me.

"Danny boy, this isn't your fight. Back off!" 'Alpha Boy' growls at Daniel. Daniel just smiles and takes a step forward. 'Alpha boy' takes one back, but growls. The Camp's guards come up behind Daniel and I, ready to fight when commanded.

"No, I think you should leave, mutt." Daniel says, hissing.

A stab of pain erupts through my chest, and automatically my hand flies towards my heart where the pain is the worst. 'Alpha Boy' growls, obviously not happy about being called a mutt. Slowly his eyes shift from their warm brown to a bright golden yellow, a whimper escapes my mouth and instantly his eyes are on me. I stare at him, scared. His eyes instantly change back to brown.

He takes a step forward, to comfort me. I shake me head and step backwards, this time it isn't me who whimpers, but him. I look over at Daniel, and he has this mad look in his eyes as he stares at 'Alpha Boy.'

"I'm sorry, Isabelle." 'Alpha Boy' tries.

I take another step back, and when my back comes in contact with one of the camp guards, Jackson, son of earth, I fully turn around and cry into his shirt. I hear the warning growl from 'Alpha Boy', but I don't pay attention.

I turn around just in time to see Daniel punch 'Alpha Boy' in the nose, and 'Alpha Boy' quickly shifts and runs back through the forest, where he had first emerged. A howl of pain shakes the tree's leaves, and it leaves us all in a deadly silence.

I have no idea why I'm crying, is it because I actually started having feelings for him? Or the invisible pull towards him, so when his eyes changed it scared me? Or.....

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