Chapter 31

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The Mystery Man

From the shadows, black cloaked people came out with shining swords that sparkled in the moonlight. If you looked closely enough, you would see red velvet blood stained on the swords. The air surrounding us dropped to an ice cold, and the Air children turned extremely pale, and looked like they were about to faint.

"This isn't your fight, Ethan!" My mother literally growled at the mysterious man.

He just laughed and looked around at all of us, stopping at this boy who looked very familiar... James, my brother.

His eyes landed on me next, my mother standing protectively in front of all of us, meaning wolves and camp members, but not the monsters, as they scurried away with their tails between their legs. Posies.

"Hmm, Isabella." 'Ethan' said, smiling at my mother.

"It's Lady Isabella to you." She hissed at him, her eyes flashing yellow.

He just laughed at her, and turning towards Kyle, he shakes his head sadly. I get this bad feeling... I think everyone was getting it, as we all stood there watching, waiting.

"Ethan, No!" My mother's voice rung out as a blood-curdling scream erupted from one of the pack wolves.

'I'm gonna kill him.' Lola hissed in my head.

I nod in agreement, letting her take control.

We shift in mid jump, aiming at the black-cloaked Ethan.

"Lucy, no!" My mother's voice, along with a lot of others shouted out.

We landed in front of the man, growling and hissing, as the wolf's screams died down as he slowly fell unconscious.

'Thank God.' I thought to Lola, who was in control of my body.

"No one, I mean no one messes with mine and Lucy's pack." She growls out in fox form, and everyone could understand because of the connections between the royal Gods and Goddesses.

Some of the wolves yelled out 'Yeah, Luna!' and "Get him, Luna!', while the campers stood there, stunned.

"Careful, Lola." My mother tried to sooth us, but we were already too threatened to listen to her.

"Guess it's game on, foxy." Ethan smirked at me.

I nodded and stood in a crouched fighting position. He laughed and shook his head, and black smoke suddenly came out of his hand, stabbing into my neck so fast, that I had no time to react.

I felt my bones shift as I was suddenly in human form, in a pile on the floor. Anger over took me as I let ice erupt from my hands, and we charged at each other, slashing. He used his smoke whips, while I kept with my simple ice. I suddenly had an idea, after another whip hit my arm.

I threw my arms into the air, and a wall of ice came up in front of me, as his whip crashed into it, sending it into shards.

"Is that all you got?" He taunted.

I just laughed and smirked at him as the ice shards started shaking and floated up in front of me, pointed straight at him.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'P'.

"Shit." I heard him mutter.

I did a turning motion with my hand, and the ice shards spun around where they were, flashing purple, blue, white and silver, and then back to their original colour.

I pointed at him, and the shards were sent flying, hitting their target.

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