Chapter 2

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Peter Anderson

As I walked down the old stairs, into the dining room, I heard adult voices from inside the door. I walked around the hall, and I saw all the other girls but no boys there, waiting outside the door, waiting to be let in. That's when I remembered that the Anderson family were here to adopt a second child.

Before I could do anything to my face and hair, the door opened just as my hand was about to scoop up a handful of dust. Miss Bobbitt stood there, with an evil smile on her red lips, happy that she would be getting rid of one of us. We slowly piled into the room in a straight line.

Let's just say that three hours later I was sitting in the back of the Anderson's car, with their son Peter. He has oily black hair, and was eating sweets with his mouth open, so you could see all the sweets in his mouth squash together. His father was no different, with black hair and a strong built body, so I guess he worked for something like football or machinery. Peter's mother was tall with blonde hair like mine, and looked really nice.

"So... your name's Lucy Isabelle Anderson, now." The father, Julian, said, while looking at me with the "look" that was supposed to scare me. But after seeing my parents die in front of me, nothing scared me anymore... well besides... fire... don't make me think about it.

"Yes..." I said.

"Good, of course you will not be embarrassed by our family name." Julian says, while turning back around to the front, pissed off, clearly, about how I responded.

While Peter and Julian fell asleep after the last petrol station, it was just me and the mother, Lilly.

"So, let me get to know you? Wait, sorry about my husband and son, they didn't agree to adopting a girl, but after Peter saw you he agreed." Lilly said, while smiling in the mirror at me.

"It's fine. But my favourite colour is light blue, and I love to run and do sports, but I also love to draw. Anything else?" I said.

She smiled at me once again. I think I like Lilly, she seems nice.

"Really, you love to draw? I love to draw, we have an artist room up in the attic, because neither of the boys want to see drawings. I'll have to take you up there soon, how about that?"

"That would be awesome." I say, smiling from ear to ear.

"And about the sports, neither of my boys like it, but I'm sure we can do something about that... what type of sports would you like to do?" Lily says, looking mildly interested in what I might say.

"Well, I used to do soccer, but I like cheerleading also." I say, smiling. I used to be the best striker in the school, and I have always wanted to do cheerleading.

Lily sits there, thinking for a minute, then a wide smile broke out on her face as she pulled up at a large white house that was probably two stories high with an attic.

The boys woke up with a start, we all climb out and walk up the steps.

"Lucy, welcome to your new home!" Lily says, while giving me a sideways hug.

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