Chapter 17

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The Girl's Dresses

We were all ready and waiting at my cabin for the boys to come and take us to the Parlor. All the boys arrived together, each taking one of our hands, and Daniel bowed and took my hand and guided me towards the Parlor.

It was beautiful, everything had gone as planned - the lights reflected off the sunset, and the music was softly playing. One word: awesome.

"Would you like me to get you a drink?" Daniel asked, while spinning me around on the spot, my dress flowing around me.

"Sure." I smile, and don't ask how he managed to get me to go to the party with him... its a long story... and he persuaded me with not having to help clean up after the party. So I went with him.

It was about 8:00, and I think someone spiked the drinks... because some of these kids are a bit high...

I had been dancing with a lot of people, while Daniel was drunk dancing with Anna. Did not suspect that.

"Attention campers!" A voice shouted as the pop music dimmed. "All campers under the age of 13 must go to bed this instant!" I think it was someone from Jordan's cabin.

There was a loud cry from the younger children as they stomped off to bed, with Bella following grumpily behind complaining how she helped organise the damn party.

I laugh and mess up her hair as she passes me by the edge of the forest, but my laugh was cut short when a loud crash sounded through the party. The music stopped, and everyone went quiet. The music box was smashed, and the guy behind it out cold on the floor.

A scream echoed across the valley, my head snapped around to find the younger kids all in head locks, each with a T-shirtless boy standing behind them.

The patrol crew where all here... so that means the camp wasn't guarded... and they got in.

"What... are you here for?" Daniel slurred, his words slurring together.

Anna, who was next to him, knocked him out cold. Gasps where heard around the area.

"Whoops." she says, trying to act innocent.

Laughter broke through the... men? No, they can't be called teenage men... mutts, it hurts to say but I have to. So let's redo that line:

Laughter broke through the mutts as they praised Anna. Traitor.

I stood behind Jackson as he brought out his sword, along with the rest of the guys. The mutts just laughed as there teeth grew longer into fangs. 'Alpha Boy' came out to the front and looked down at Daniel with disgust and then at Jackson. Smiling.... smiling? I'm so confused right now!

"Good to see you again, Jackson." 'Alpha Boy' says, shaking Jackson's hand. I step back from behind Jackson. No, Jack couldn't have betrayed us... he... he.

"The pleasure's all mine, Alpha." He said, bowing his head in respect.

"Haha, you always seem to amuse me, well done Anna, your brother would be proud." 'Alpha Boy' nods in approval and then turns back to his mates.

Swords, knives, bows and staffs where all drawn at the ready by the Mutts, but no one had the slightest emotion of fear... just pure shock.

"NOW!" 'Alpha Boy's' voice rang through the valley. They lunged.

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