Chapter 11

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The Cabin

A whole week had passed, and the border patrol was strong, trying to keep the wolves out. I was still living in the unclaimed cabin until mine was cleaned. I had insisted in helping clean it, but Daniel had insisted I train instead in case 'Alpha Boy' came back to find me.

I was laying in my bunk, I was meant to be packing my stuff because I was moving to my new cabin today, yay! I was actually looking forward to it so I could get out of this cabin. My mother had given me an unexpected makeover, meaning I now look a lot like her, which was good on different levels.

I had been hanging out with a lot of the claimed kids, I was now great friends with Electra and Sapphire, and I was okay friends with Joel and Jackson. Dan, Cam and Jordan are still my close friends, but there's a bit of tension between Dan and I, because of my ice and his fire. My best friend of all time is... Anna.

Jokes, we're enemies! I'll list of the things that she has done to me in one week!

1st she told me go die in a freezer, which is really lame.... I can't die in ice.

2nd she said;

"Your mother vowed to never lose her maidenhood, obviously you already lost yours." she had said, which earned her my fist in her face. I had gotten in trouble but I said we were training.

3rd she put spiders under my bed covers.

4th she died my hair light blue, which I like; it went well with my look.

+looks at self and nods in approval+

I was broken out of my thoughts by a sudden knock on the girl's cabin door. I got up and answered because all the other girls were either kissing their boyfriends or sitting at the lake with their bikinis, or sleeping.

I walked over and opened the door and there stood... Electra, she was grinning, she didn't say anything just grabbed my hand and my bag of all my belongings and pulled me out the door. She pulled me all the way across camp to get to my new cabin, and that's when a new pair of hands covered my eyes. The person giggled so it was obviously a girl.


She giggled again.

"Yes?" she asked.

"What are you doing?" I asked slowly.

"Covering your eyes so you can't see your new cabin." and then she giggled....again.

We walked, Jordan's hands still over my eyes and after the casual fall over, she stopped and took her hands away.

"So, what do you think?" Electra and Jordan said together. All I could manage was:


It's beautiful, the cabin was just logs on top of each other and big windows on the sides; it also had a small deck where you could sit. I just stood there smiling.

"Come on, it's way cooler inside." Sapphire shouted, bouncing excitedly.

I laughed, while Electra dragged me through the door that had a snowflake engraved into it.

As I walked in there were two bunks, but, they where hammocks. There was a desk on the other side and a small room leading to a bathroom.

"AWESOME!" I yelled, the others laughed.

I walked around the room, and I found a spear wall with hooks on it...

"For your weapons." Sapphire said.

Awesome, I thought, my new home.

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