Chapter 18

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Lady Isabella

I dodged as the first wolf came at me, missing it by millimeters. A loud growl erupted from a larger wolf behind the one that lunged at me, the smaller wolf put his tail between his legs and started fighting other kids.

The large wolf walked slowly over to me, carefully trying not to scare me. A piercing scream broke through the crowd. Everything slowed down - Anna had a ball of fire twirling towards Bella, I screamed and jumped in front of the fire ball protecting Bella.

The pain was unbearable, my ice formed around me, shooting at Anna and pinning her to a tree behind her. Everyone was in a shocked silence, I don't know what came over me but anger flared up in me and the wind started to howl, with ice shards in it.

The fire ball that I had jumped in front of was scorched into my hip with blood pouring out of it. Some one tried to get to me, but it was like I wasn't in control. I growled at them and kept Bella close to me. The mutts where grinning at each other while the campers looked plain confused.

Suddenly a blinding white light erupted around us and twelve adults stood there. Threat, was all I could see. I growled at them and moved Bella closer to me.

One of the adults, a girl with pure white hair stood forward, trying to reach out to me, I growled and backed away slowly.

She smiled sadly at me, flicked her hand and white mist came out of it towards me. I panicked as I felt something deep inside me shift.

A loud snap broke through the area.

Gasps came out of pretty much everyone, I looked down at my hands to see that I had paws instead of feet and hands, and I was pure white.

I growled and it came out more like a high pitched whisper. I shook my head and sat down, stealing a glance at Bella, but she looked perfectly fine, with a small smile playing on her lips.

The mutts stood there motionless, standing there watching me. Creepy.

The women who had made the mist smiled at me and spoke in an angelic voice:

"Lola... so nice of you to finally take control of Isabelle."

I knew it, I shouted in my thoughts and started doing a happy dance in my head.

A laugh was heard from one of the adults, I looked at him, confused.

"It is quite interesting to watch you do a happy dance in your mind, Isabelle."

"No, no, out of my daughter's head." the angel-like lady said, whacking the guy over the head.

"But I must say, will Lola give Isabelle back her body?"

I growl at them, well not really me, Lola.

"Just as I thought." She sighed, and a white mist went into my mouth once again.

The loud snap sounded again, and I was standing there with a rip through my dress, leaving it hanging off my shoulder.

"How was that, Isabelle?"

I growled at her and my eyes shifted into a yellow colour.

"My bad Lucy." she said.

I stopped growling, rolled my eyes and turned around and sprinted, I have no idea why I just did that until strong, not very nice arms wrapped around my waist and mouth, knocking me out cold.

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