Chapter 19

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The Cell

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I groaned and rolled over so that I was facing the bed instead of the roof of.... I'm actually not too sure were I am, so when I found out I will make sure to tell you. I should probably open my eyes to find out where I am.... nah, let me remember what happened first.

Ok, so one.... party? Yes. Two... party crashers... yep. Three... bright lights... me growling? Ok, I guess yes, and then four, me running into the woods and getting knocked out? Yep all good I remember!.... but not so good, the fact that I'm somewhere I don't know.

Hmmm, I wond-

A piercing shriek echoes through the room, my eyes snap open to find myself in a dark cell with other girls from camp chained to the wall, along with one or two boys. I look for the source of the scream, but only to find a lifeless body on the ground a few feet away from me, with blood dripping down her mouth. I scrunch my eyes closed so that I don't have to see how she was killed.

Loud foot steps echo down the hall to where we all were, when they suddenly come to a stop just outside of the doors.

"Another one dead? God, that's seven now... and it's a girl! Wow, I guess one of the boys killed her?" A ruff males voice said.

I opened my eyes slowly, wanting to see what they looked like, but found that it was all dark? No, I was facing something that was moving up and down in shallow breaths... a person?

"Yeah, a guy killed her... we're just waiting for one of the boys to kill each other now, aren't we?" Another guy's voice says and then continues, "See the girls, how they crowd around one boy each?"

"Yeah I see that."

"Just got to wait for one of the boys to kill the other, so we can start training them." He says irritably. I giggle at the thought of him throwing a little tantrum.

I'm suddenly pulled away from my source of heat by ruff hands and pushed up against the wall. I let out a shriek when something sharp is jabbed into my neck.

"Think I'm funny, do ya? I'll show you funny." He hisses into my ear. I whimper and try to break free.

He's not the best looking, with a battle scar running across his face and his beady black eyes piercing into mine.

"Mate, not cool. That one's important." The other guy says, pulling the guy of me, letting me drop to the floor.

Arms wrap around me again, pulling me back over to the group of scared girls. I try to escape, but the boy growls and moves me closer.

"I would just stay where you are, if you don't want to end up like that other girl." A small voice whispered to me. I shivered and nodded. The boy must have thought I was cold because he brought me in closer wrapping his whole arms around me.

A second later I'm flung into the wall, along with other bodies as the two boys fight each other. Some of the girls scream when they throw punches at each others faces.

The men from before grab us, pull us out of the cell and pass us to other guards, and from there they lead us up the stairs and into a massive white room.

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