Pet Russian

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America's POV:

The look on Russia's face was so hilarious I just couldn't stop snickering. Okay maybe I was blushing too. Ugh he's so cute I just couldn't help it!!!!!!

"Okay but can you at least get this stupid dust off of this!?!?!?!?" He scoffed as he took his hat off. Now that I think about it I haven't seen him much with the hat off. He looked different but still very cute.

"Okay fine dude............" I took the hat from him and tried to smack all the dust off but I wasn't having much luck. So instead I put it on my head. "Hey look bros I'm Russia hehehehe!!!!!!" I smirked as I ran out into the hallway. Aussie and Nada looked at me and both laughed.

"Hey give that back!!!!!!!" Russia shouted as he bolted out in the hallway, scattering the rainbow dust everywhere, as if it wasn't already everywhere. He then grabbed me by the waist which felt really good and caused me to blush. Ahhhhhhhh why was I like this!?!?!?!? I can't even be around him without blushing like crazy now. I just know it's only a matter of time before he finds out I like him. He yanked the hat off my head as we both fell back getting us even more covered in the rainbow dust. "Dangit dude I wanted the rainbow dust OFF my ushanka not on it!!!!!!!!"

"Nah dude I think it suits you!!!!!!!!" I giggled at Russia, who now had the dust all over his white and blue striped shirt.

"Haha you just got gay bombed!!!!!!" Aussie laughed as Russia got up clearly annoyed.

"Ugh now I gotta change my shirt!!!!!" He scowled and then took off his shirt revealing his perfectly toned chest. Ugh he's sooooooo HOT!!!!!!! I had to strain every fiber in my body to not just press my chest against his and kiss him...............and also hide the deep blush on my face.

"Hehe gay............" Aussie giggled even more.

"I'M NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!" Russia shouted even louder, which startled everyone. He then changed into a darker shirt and Aussie grabbed the camera out of my room so he can post the prank video. The two of us goofed off until it was dinnertime. Dad got us all McDonalds for dinner and I had my usual burger and fries.

"Dude why do you like this place so much?????" Russia asked me.

"It's delicious!!!!!!!" I exclaimed loudly.

"How!?!?!?! It's so greasy and my dad only got it so much because it was cheap." He scoffed.

"Oh come on you know you love it..............."

"I've had worse but steak's better. I just thought Mr. Shmancypants would want to eat something more expensive."

"Ya know not all rich countries are snobby right????" I elbowed that cutie right in the shoulder.

"Ow!!!!!!!" He exclaimed.

We both ate our burgers and I finished mine almost immediately. Russia took a bit longer but he still finished it so he must not have hated it that much.

"Hey Ame I know this is weird to ask.................but can I sleep over?" Russia asked me. I tried to hide my blush but it was just so hard. He hasn't spent the night in a while and I loved the thought of it.

"Of course cutie!!!!!" Wait did I just say that out loud!?!?!??!



Russia's POV:

Wait did he just call me cute!?!?!??! He doesn' me............does he?????? How!?!??!?! Why!?!??!?! Doesn't he know I'm not gay????? I hope all this is some sort of sick joke. It must be cause there's literally nothing to like about me. I'm just so sad and depressed and just a massive burden on my family.............and did I mention a complete jerk. Like who would ever fall for an idiot like me????? And why did my face feel super hot all of a sudden???? Well it is kinda hot in here. And I'm not really used to the heat. Yep, that's totally it.

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