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As this title implies there will be some intense homophobia in this chapter for STORYTELLING PURPOSES. Of course what is going to be said doesn't reflect my actual beliefs/opinions it is for storytelling purposes only. Also warning: horny Ame. Don't read around parents or judgemental people.

I decided I would stay over at America's house until his birthday party on July 4th. Apparently Canada's birthday is also around the same time so they always do a joined party together. I was really excited.................but also a bit nervous judging about how the last party went. I was so drunk that day I barely even remember what happened. Maybe I'll lay off on the vodka just this one time. So I can actually experience the party.

For the next few days I mostly just goofed off with America while also getting ready for the party. I really appreciate all the little things his family did for me, even if it's just giving me food and letting me stay the night. I almost felt spoiled. Is this what living in a wealthy household is like? I was...........almost not used to having food every day like this. But I guess that's just how my dad raised me. I felt like I was asking too much so I decided to help set up some of the decorations for the party. UK told me I really didn't have to but my dad always told me to help others no matter what because that's what comrades are for. So that's what I did.

After the good days work I laid down in the bed on the floor, cause there was no way I was sleeping in the same bed as a guy. I shut my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I drifted into unconsciousness for a bit but then awoke to find out I couldn't move. Oh no, not again. I was doing so much better too. Why does he have to come back!?!??!?! The all too familiar figure stood in the corner of the room, creeping closer and closer to my helpless body.

"DoN't LiStEn To ThAt DuMb GaY..............."

"hE iS uSiNg YoU................."

"hE wAnTs YoU fOr SiNfUl LuSt AnD nOtHiNg MoRe....................."

"He WaNtS tO rApE yOu.............."

"UsE yOu................"

"AbUsE yOu..............."

"Be A gOoD bOy AnD dOn'T fAlL fOr HiS lIeS....................."

The figure was now over my body, his words laced with venom. One of his fingers extended into a sharp claw, which he began pressing against my neck. I began to twitch from the sharp pain. He then slashed the "claw" across my neck causing me to jolt up from the bed.

"Dude what happened!?!??!?!" Ame awoke from my sudden shouting.

"Uhhhhhhhh................a spider crawled on me............" I lied, still sweating from the sudden event.

"You.............afraid of a spider...........ha................" He grumbled. "Nah just kidding Aussie made me terrified of them............" He laid back down in his bed.

I tried to go back to sleep but as usual when I have those dreams I couldn't. I.................thought of some things my dad used to say to me.

"If you ever see two men or two women in a relationship.............they are committing a terrible sin."

"Gay countries don't exist. If two gay countries love each other it's not real love."

"Only a man and a women can love each other. That queer jingle jangle is a disgrace."

"Son.............so called gay men are violent and unpredictable. Now you promise to never date a man............ever. No son of mine dates a man and if you do you're not my son."

"Don't worry, dad. I promise. Kissing a boy sounds gross. Yuck!!!!!"

Is Ame really violent and unpredictable? Well he did used to always yell at me and get physical with me............but he says he apologized for it.............right????? And he certainly is unpredictable.............

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