Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Let’s fight


I fought hard not to kiss her back, those sweet and soft lips, I miss them.  That tongue conquering the inners of my mouth, it still gave me the same sweet sensation, aside from not kissing her back I was also stopping myself from moaning. When she noticed I’m not responding, she stops for a bit and her hands suddenly went into my checks. I slowly open my eyes and met hers, it was longing and gloom, a part of my chest ache the first time I saw her bringing this expression to me.

“Jennie” she whispered soft my name“Why are you not kissing me back?” Her voice cracked but before she can let me speak, she landed her lips on mine again. This time, she was moving her lips like it was the first time she kissed me, in a slow and soft movements, her lips and tongue doing the same but in a passionate way.

Damn it Lisa, you should hate me! Not kiss me like this!

She let out a soft painful laugh after attempting to make me kiss her back again but she failed nonetheless. I bow my head down and took a step, not wanting to see her face especially that brown eyes of her and wanting myself to leave as soon as possible because I knew the moment she will kiss me that way again and I will look at her the same way as before , I will definitely and not hesitate to kiss her back! And it will ruin everything!

“Where the fuck are you going?" she grabs my wrist fast and appeared in front of me

“Lisa let me go..”

“What are you doing Jennie?”

I took the courage to meet those eyes, obviously seeking for answers, her expression is telling me to tell something and she will understand it, she’s waiting for me to explain patiently and listen after all that I’ve done to her.

“Can you please tell me why are you doing this? Why did you leave me behind? Why are you with Kai now Jen?”

“Lisa…” I breathe out, leaving her eyes and fall into the sink at our right “ I think you already knew the answer for that”

“That’s bullshit” she cussed. “Did Aunt Sophia bribe you Jen? Tell me did they force you to be with Kai? Tell me jen!” she held my shoulders

My eyes widened but hurriedly shook my head “No Lis, I decided to be with Kai again because I want to. I realized after all this time my feelings for him never changed. “I stop to composed myself and gulp, her eyes twitch in pain but she was fast to conceal it by letting out a soft laugh “No Jen, you love me. You still love him? No, it’s me who you love. You still love me how can you say that?”

Oh Lisa..

“I did Lis, when I saw him in that situation I just realized I can’t take it, I can’t see him ruining his life. He helped me so much in my life Lisa, he’s a big part of what I am right now”

“So you’re returning the favour this time and help him? In what way Jennie? By being with him even you don't love him anymore? Being with them? You’re not his fucking personal nurse!”

How can she- damn it..

“No Lis, I still love him that’s why I am with him” I stare at her eyes.

“And did you seriously think I will believe you?” she sighed “Baby can you stop? This is not funny, come on let’s go home. I miss you” she caught my hand

I let go of it fast, like I am disgusted our skin touched, she was shocked “Lis, I am serious, I still love Kai that’s why I am with him right now”

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