Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Teddy’s Party

“Nini..” Lisa mumbled again, burying her face on the side of my stomach

I observe her face further, hoping another voice will play in my head one more time. I am so sure it was her, the voice, the soft crying voice.

Remembering the words she said, I felt a sudden lump in my throat and a throbbing pain in my heart, urging a small amount of tears lining in both side of my eyes

I gulp in impulse, stopping the tears from flowing.

Why am I hurting? Why am I feeling pain? Why am I like this? What does it mean?

“Li-sa?” I tap her cheek, I bit the inside of my cheeks, surprised at the sudden crack of my voice “Wake up please..”

I felt an indescribable pain in my heart, what is this?

I shook her arm this time when she didn’t wake up, I felt my tears already flowed from my eyes and I started sobbing for no particular reason. All I know and felt is the undying pain in my heart. The words she said, even my brain could not remember where, why and when she said it-my heart does, and it does remember the same exact feeling I felt that time when she said it

I felt pain,  I don’t know why

And I badly needed answers

“Lisa! Wake up please!” I cried, pushing her shoulders hard, causing her to jolt and hurriedly sits up on our bed


I covered my face with my both hands, I started sobbing hard and my shoulders started to move up and down. I don’t want to cry! It’s frustrating to cry over something I barely even remember! My mind is telling me to stop, but why can’t I? Why can’t I stop the pain?

“Jennie?!”  she held my shoulders “Shit why are you crying? Are you okay baby?” she removed my hands on my face, I look up to her and her image is now blur. I sob, sniffed and tug her coat. Her eyes soften and silently she pulled me into her arms, embracing me for a warm and comforting hug

“Why are you crying? Did you remember something? Shhh it’s okay, don’t cry” she whispered low on my ear, right hand is now starting to caress my head to stop me from crying, I closed my eyes and grip her coat on her back

“I did Lisa, I did remember something”

“Hmm what is it baby, tell me”

I sniffed and bury my face on her shoulder “Your voice, I-I remembered you are telling me no matter how hard I try to push you away and ignore you, I will always end up in your arms Lisa, you are calling me Nini”

I felt her body stiffened and there was a long deafening silence after I spoke, I calmed myself down and wipe my remaining tears before I let go of Lisa’s hug and stared at her eyes

My heart sank even more

Her expression was also hurt, her hazelnut eyes also showed pain-only that, hers is more painful than mine. It surprisingly breaks my heart, seeing her beautiful brown orbs being faded away by the crystal liquid in the both side of her eyes-her tears

Shock and hurt at her sight, my brain started to wonder what did I do to her in the past? Did I hurt her? Did I cause her so much pain? Why are we both hurting?

I have so many questions in my mind that I badly needed to be answered, but if I tried to dig deep looking for answers there is a possibility I won’t be able to remember anything anymore and the questions will remain unanswered forever. I cursed in my mind, cursing my fucking amnesia.

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