Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Who is Kim Jong In?" I asked again as I held Lisa's arm

She gulped and mumbled "Kim Jong In is my cousin"

"Cousin? Who is he to me then? Why am I remembering I am dancing and kissing him?"

She held my hand holding her elbow and cup my face, the fireworks are still exploding behind her back, lighting up Lisa's hazelnut brown eyes piercing at me, she looked kind of mad. "Don't remember him Jennie, don't think about him, don't"


"Just don't Jennie, don't think about Jong In" her voice is stern and sharp

"Why? You said he is your cousin right?"


"Then why can't you tell me why I am with him?"

She fell silent, I gasped as I started to realize something . It can't be?

"Is he the one you are talking about? The one we played with behind his back? Is he your cousin that tried to kill you?"

My brows creased as I think deep, then one shooting pain hit the side of my head, so painful that I unconsciously held my temple with my hand, easing the pain. Lisa panicked and immediately cups my face

"Jennie please don't, you are hurting yourself"

I nod and tried to calm myself, holding her both arms as my support. The exploding fireworks are still in display at the clear sky above. Minutes after calming myself I looked up to Lisa, her eyes fixed only at me, examining me. One firework blow up, and it highlighted Lisa's brown eyes, and then I caught a glimpse of pain in her eyes


"Hmmm?" she blinked fast, washing the emotion away in her eyes

"Are you okay?"

She laughed "I should be the one asking you that, why are you asking me?" she smiled, it was forced, different from the one she showed me earlier, her smile is fake.

"I don't know" I looked away. I still have lots of questions to ask- but right now I don't have to courage to ask Lisa about that, plus I know I will unravel the mystery of my memories in no time.

The only mystery I'm thinking right now is that I don't know why I felt heavy every time I saw her like that- when she's in pain. What is wrong with me?

"Jennie?" she pulled me towards her "Are you okay? Is your head still aching?" she move some strands of my hair covering my face

"No, not anymore. I'm okay, don't worry" I smiled, assuring her I am okay. She doesn't seem to buy that and only stared at me, examining. I captured her hand and intertwine our fingers together. Her eyes fell at it

"I'm seriously okay Lisa"

"Are you sure?" she looked up, eyes falling again on mine. It was still there, the glimpse of heavy pain.

And there goes my heart, aching again. Why am I like this?

"Hmm yes, don't worry I will not faint."

"Are you still thinking about him?" her voice was a little bit hurt

"I'm not anymore, I will know him in no time Lisa. Don't worry, I won't ask questions and I will not force my memories to go back" I answered, tightening my hold in her hand, it was warm. Her hand warms me enough

She fell silent and suddenly looked away, moving her body and standing by my side. She looked up to see the blasting fireworks above, and then she smiled and muffled a humorous chuck "Of course, fireworks Lisa, fireworks. Why didn't I think of that? That man love fireworks"

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