Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Baby girl

I guided Jisoo into my room, she was still quiet and still a little bit traumatized about what happened. She’s sitting on my small sofa and her eyes lingering in my small room, I gave her a glass of water and seated next to her

“Are you okay?”

She glared at me after she drinks the water “What kind of room is this? Is this even a room? It’s too small!”

I rolled my eyes and rudely grabs the glass in her hands

Great, instead of saying thank you she insulted my room instead.

“Get out of here and go home to your spacious room then” I stand up, leaving her behind. I put the glass on my sink and grabs a glass of water for myself.

Jisoo follows me and she is now examining the small table placed in the middle of the room, then to my small fridge

“This is where you live? How can you fit in here?” she asked as she roamed her eyes around “This is unbelievable, I never seen an apartment so small like this!”

“And now what? You will spread rumors in our school on how ridiculously poor I am?”

“Maybe?” she smirked wide, I scoffed and placed the glass on the sink

I pointed the doorway “You may now leave”

She rolled her eyes and walk pass me, when she was about to open my door she stopped and looks back

“Where are your parents?” she curiously asked

I pursed my lips, it’s been so long since someone asked me that. I don’t know what to react


I looked away

“Oh no, not abroad, if they are abroad you won’t live in a shitty apartment like this”

I gulp as a slight pain stab my chest, her words suddenly hurt me. It hurts to be slap by the truth that I have been alone in my life for how many years now and my parents is not around anymore. I just keep on denying it, since they left me I have always reminded myself that I will be brave and continue to live my life, for my late mom and dad.

I tried my best to not let any tear left my eye

I am alone.

“Where are they bitch?”

I sniffed before I faced her “That’s none of your business. You know what? Just go home if you’re just gonna insult me instead of saying thank you. I regretted I save you from that assholes”

I walk pass her and slumped my body in the sofa, closing my eyes, trying to wash away the emptiness in me- the pain I’ve been hiding for how many years now

C’mon Jennie, you are always brave. Don’t freaking cry!

“About that ahm “ she coughed awkwardly, causing me to open my eyes and see her fidgeting her fingers while looking away

“Thank you by the way, for saving me” she said low


She groaned “Argh, don’t make me repeat what I just said!”

“I didn’t hear what it is!”

Annoyance was all over her face, oh my god this bitch certainly has a temper! “I already said thank you! Don’t make me say it again bitch!”

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